Dr.S.Sriram, “Medical Physics and its applications”, in the book titled Advancement,opportunitiesand practices in Telehealth technology, IGI Global Publishers, 2022.


Dr. R. Madhumitha, Dr.S.Manoj Kumar, Dr.S.Sriram, “Computer Architecture and Organisation”, Charulatha Publications, 2020,  978-93-91405-62-5.


Dr.VE.Jayanthi, Dr.P.Sutha, “Analog and Digital Communication”, Shanlax Publications, 2019, 978-93-89146-39-4

Dr.VE.Jayanthi, Ms.G.Sudhanthira, “Wearable system”, DK International ResearchFoundation, 2019, 978-81-940463-9-4.

Dr.VE.Jayanthi, “A Survey on Acronym - Expansion Mining Approaches from Text andWeb”, Springer Singapore (Smart innovation, Systems and Technologies), 2019, 978-981-13-1920-4.

Dr.VE.Jayanthi, Ms.G.Sudhanthira, “Wearable system”, DK International Research Foundation, 2019, 978-81-940463-9-4


Dr.VE.Jayanthi, “Design of Current-mode CNTFET Transceiver for Bundled Carbon NanotubeInterconnect”, Springer Singapore (Nanoelectronic Materials and Devices), 2018, Vol. No. 466.


Dr.VE.Jayanthi, “The architecture Framework of Computer Aided Diagnosis Systems for Prophylactic Disease Prediction and Prevention”, Advanced Engineering Research and Applications, 2017, Chapter 20, pp. 291-312.

Dr.VE.Jayanthi, “Flora and fauna of PSNACET”, 2017..