Journals & Magazines EEE
S.No. | List of Journals & Magazines for Electrical and Electronics Engineering | Package |
International E-Journals | ||
1 | Automatic Control, IEEE Trans. on (T-AC) | IEEE |
2 | Automatica Sincia, IEEE/CAA Journal of (J-AS) | IEEE |
3 | Circuits and Systems Magazine, IEEE (M-CAS) | IEEE |
4 | Circuits and Systems Part I: Regular Papers, IEEE Trans. on (T-CAS1) | IEEE |
5 | Circuits and Systems Part II: Express Briefs, IEEE Trans. on (T-CAS2) | IEEE |
6 | Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, IEEE Trans. on (T-CAD) | IEEE |
7 | Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, IEEE Trans. on (T-DEI) | IEEE |
8 | Electrical Insulation Magazine, IEEE (M-EI) | IEEE |
9 | Electromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE Trans. on (T-EMC) | IEEE |
10 | Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, IEEE Journal on (JETCAS) | IEEE |
11 | Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, IEEE Journal of (J-ESTPSE) | IEEE |
12 | Energy Conversion, IEEE Trans. on (T-EC) | IEEE |
13 | IEEE Electrification Magazine (E-M) | IEEE |
14 | IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine (M-EMC) | IEEE |
15 | IEEE Magnetics Letters (L-MAG) | IEEE |
16 | IEEE Power Electronics Magazine (M-PEL) | IEEE |
17 | Magnetics, IEEE Trans. on (T-MAG) | IEEE |
18 | Nuclear Science, IEEE Trans. on (T-NS) | IEEE |
19 | Applied Superconductivity, IEEE Trans. on (T-ASC) | IEEE |
20 | 7486 Ceramic Triode, Production Engineering Measure | K-Hub |
21 | A Century Of Electricals. A Brief History Of Electrical Engineers | K-Hub |
22 | A First Course In Electrical And Computer Engineering | K-Hub |
23 | A Foundation In Digital Communication | K-Hub |
24 | Ac Circuits | K-Hub |
25 | Ac Electrical Circuit Analysis: A Practical Approach | K-Hub |
26 | Adaptive Control: Stability, Convergence, And Robustness | K-Hub |
27 | Advancement In Microstrip Antennas With Recent Applications | K-Hub |
28 | Advances In Cognitive Radio Systems | K-Hub |
29 | Advances In Microfluidics | K-Hub |
30 | Advances In Satellite Communications | K-Hub |
31 | Africa-Eu Renewable Energy Research And Innovation Symposium 2018 (Reris 2018) | K-Hub |
32 | Apta Ss-E-010-98, Standard For The Development Of An Electromagnetic Compatibility Plan | K-Hub |
33 | Biologically Inspired Robotics | K-Hub |
34 | Brain And Human Body Modeling | K-Hub |
35 | Can Energy-Efficient Electrical Appliances Be Considered "Environmental Goods"? | K-Hub |
36 | Charged Particle Optics Theory: An Introduction | K-Hub |
37 | Circuit Theory | K-Hub |
38 | Co2 Allowance & Electricity Price Interaction | K-Hub |
39 | Compact Models For Integrated Circuit Design: Conventional Transistors And Beyond | K-Hub |
40 | Comparative Study On Rural Electrification Policies In Emerging Economies | K-Hub |
41 | Computational Physics Of Electric Discharges In Gas Flows | K-Hub |
42 | Computer Simulation In Physics And Engineering | K-Hub |
43 | Conversational Computer Systems | K-Hub |
44 | Cpwd General Specifications For Electrical Works Part I Internal - 2013. | K-Hub |
45 | Cpwd General Specifications For Electrical Works Part Iv Sub Station – 2013. | K-Hub |
46 | Cpwd General Specifications For Electrical Works Part Vi Fire Detection And Alarm System – 2018. | K-Hub |
47 | Cpwd General Specifications For Electrical Works Part Vii D.G. Sets - 2013. | K-Hub |
48 | Cr-5609/Tm-13705, Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing For Conducted Susceptibility Along Interconnecting Signal Lines | K-Hub |
49 | Cr-6782/Tm-2001/140, Comparison Of U.S. Military And International Electromagnetic Compatibility Guidance | K-Hub |
50 | Dc Circuits | K-Hub |
51 | Dc Electrical Circuit Analysis: A Practical Approach | K-Hub |
52 | Designing Analog Chips | K-Hub |
53 | Development And Implementation Of Rfid Technology | K-Hub |
54 | Development Of Inventions And Creative Ideas | K-Hub |
55 | Digital Transformation In Semiconductor Manufacturing | K-Hub |
56 | Direct Energy | K-Hub |
57 | Discrete Stochastic Processes | K-Hub |
58 | Eiot: The Development Of The Energy Internet Of Things In Energy Infrastructure | K-Hub |
59 | Electrical Engineering Applications With The Ti-89 | K-Hub |
60 | Electrical Power And Energy Systems For Transportation Applications | K-Hub |
61 | Electricity And Magnetism | K-Hub |
62 | Electricity And Magnetism 2 | K-Hub |
63 | Electricity In A Climate-Constrained World - Data & Analyses | K-Hub |
64 | Electrochemical Cells - New Advances In Fundamental Researches And Applications | K-Hub |
65 | Electrochemical Fabrication And Mechanical Characterization Of The Graphene/Poly Vinyl Alcohol Nanocomposites | K-Hub |
66 | Electrochemical Supercapacitors For Energy Storage And Delivery: Fundamentals And Applications | K-Hub |
67 | Electromagnetic Field Theory A Problem Solving Approach | K-Hub |
68 | Electromagnetic Field Theory: A Problem Solving Approach | K-Hub |
69 | Electromagnetics And Applications Chapter 1 | K-Hub |
70 | Electromagnetics Vol 1 | K-Hub |
71 | Electromagnetics Vol 2 | K-Hub |
72 | Electromagnetics, Volume 1 | K-Hub |
73 | Electromechanical Dynamics | K-Hub |
74 | Emc-Cs-2009.1, Electromagnetic Compatibility Specification For Electrical/Electronic Components And Subsystems | K-Hub |
75 | Empowering Customer Choice In Electricity Markets | K-Hub |
76 | Energy Market Integration In East Asia: Energy Trade, Cross Border Electricity, And Price Mechanism | K-Hub |
77 | Energy Policies Of Iea Countries - The United States 2014 Review | K-Hub |
78 | Energy-Efficient Electric Motor Selection Handbook | K-Hub |
79 | Es-3U5T-1B257-Aa, Emc Design Guide For Printed Circuit Boards | K-Hub |
80 | European Guide To Power System Testing: The Erigrid Holistic Approach For Evaluating Complex Smart Grid Configurations | K-Hub |
81 | Flexible Circuit Technology, Third Edition | K-Hub |
82 | Flexitranstore | K-Hub |
83 | Forecasting And Assessing Risk Of Individual Electricity Peaks | K-Hub |
84 | Foundations Of Multi-Paradigm Modelling For Cyber-Physical Systems | K-Hub |
85 | Fuel Cell Handbook | K-Hub |
86 | Fundamentals Of Electrical Engineering | K-Hub |
87 | Fundamentals Of Electrical Engineering And Electronics | K-Hub |
88 | Fundamentals Of Electrical Engineering I | K-Hub |
89 | General Specifications For Electrical Works (Part-Iii-Lits & Escalators) - 2003 | K-Hub |
90 | General Specifications For Electrical Works - Internal - 2005 | K-Hub |
91 | General Specifications For Heating, Ventilation & Air-Conditioning(Hvac) - 2017 | K-Hub |
92 | General Specifications For Heating,Ventilation & Air-Conditioning(Hvac) - 2004 | K-Hub |
93 | Global Navigation Satellite Systems: Signal, Theory And Applications | K-Hub |
94 | Handbook Of Optical And Laser Scanning | K-Hub |
95 | Information And Communications Technology | K-Hub |
96 | Information And Entropy | K-Hub |
97 | Instruments For New Music | K-Hub |
98 | Intelligent Packet Dropping For Optimal Energy-Delay Tradeoffs In Wireless Downlinks | K-Hub |
99 | Intelligent Sensor Networks: The Integration Of Sensor Networks, Signal Processing And Machine Learning | K-Hub |
100 | Introduction To Communication Systems: An Interactive Approach Using The Wolfram Language | K-Hub |
101 | Introduction To Communication, Control, And Signal Processing | K-Hub |
102 | Introduction To Digital Signal And System Analysis | K-Hub |
103 | Introduction To Eecs Ii: Digital Communication Systems Chapter 1 | K-Hub |
104 | Introduction To Electrical Engineering And Computer Science Chapter 1 | K-Hub |
105 | Introduction To Electrical Engineering And Computer Science Chapter 2 | K-Hub |
106 | Introduction To Electrical Engineering And Computer Science Chapter 3 | K-Hub |
107 | Introduction To Linear, Time-Invariant, Dynamic Systems For Students Of Engineering | K-Hub |
108 | Introduction To Nanoelectronics | K-Hub |
109 | Lessons From Liberalised Electricity Markets | K-Hub |
110 | Lifelong Learning In The Mechanical And Electrical Engineering Industries | K-Hub |
111 | Line E: Electrical Fundamentals Competency E-3: Explain Wiring Connections | K-Hub |
112 | Line E: Electrical Fundamentals Competency E-4: Use Multimeters | K-Hub |
113 | Lithium-Ion Batteries | K-Hub |
114 | Mathematics For Computer Science | K-Hub |
115 | Microwave And Rf Design: Amplifiers And Oscillators | K-Hub |
116 | Microwave And Rf Design: Modules | K-Hub |
117 | Microwave And Rf Design: Networks | K-Hub |
118 | Microwave And Rf Design: Radio Systems | K-Hub |
119 | Microwave And Rf Design: Transmission Lines | K-Hub |
120 | Microwave Engineering Theory And Applications | K-Hub |
121 | Mil-Hdbk-241B, Design Guide For Electromagnetic Interference Reduction In Power Supplies | K-Hub |
122 | Mil-Hdbk-263B, Esd Control Handbook For Protection Of Electrical And Electronic Parts, Assemblies, And Equipment | K-Hub |
123 | Mil-Hdbk-338B, Electronic Reliability Design Handbook | K-Hub |
124 | Mil-Hdbk-419A, Grounding, Bonding, And Shielding For Electronic Equipments And Facilities | K-Hub |
125 | Mil-Std-1310G, Standard Practice For Shipboard Bonding, Grounding, And Other Techniques | K-Hub |
126 | Mil-Std-1686C, Esd Control Program For Protection Of Electrical And Electronic Parts, Assemblies, And Equipment | K-Hub |
127 | Mil-Std-188-124B, Grounding, Bonding And Shielding | K-Hub |
128 | Mil-Std-202G, Test Method Standard, Electronic And Electrical Component Parts | K-Hub |
129 | Mil-Std-461F, Requirements For The Control Of Electromagnetic Interference | K-Hub |
130 | Mil-Std-462D, Measurement Of Electromagnetic Interference Characteristics | K-Hub |
131 | Mil-Std-464A, Electromagnetic Environmental Effects Requirements For Systems | K-Hub |
132 | Mil-Std-464C, Electromagnetic Environmental Effects Requirements For Systems | K-Hub |
133 | Mil-Std-469, Radar Engineering Interface Requirements, Emc | K-Hub |
134 | Mil-Std-750, Test Method Standard, Semiconductor Devices | K-Hub |
135 | Mil-Std-810G, Environmental Engineering Considerations And Laboratory Tests | K-Hub |
136 | National Electrical Code | K-Hub |
137 | Note On The Proceedings. Mechanical And Electrical Engineering Industries | K-Hub |
138 | Numerical Continuum Mechanics | K-Hub |
139 | Oet Bulletin 65, Evaluating Compliance With Fcc Guidelines For Human Exposure To Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields | K-Hub |
140 | Open Signals And Systems Laboratory Exercises | K-Hub |
141 | Operational Amplifiers & Linear Integrated Circuits: Theory And Application - 3E | K-Hub |
142 | Opportunities To Transform The Electricity Sector In Major Economies | K-Hub |
143 | Optical Communication | K-Hub |
144 | Optimal Control For Chemical Engineers | K-Hub |
145 | Practical Optimization: A Gentle Introduction | K-Hub |
146 | Principles Of Computer System Design An Introduction | K-Hub |
147 | Principles Of Computerized Tomographic Imaging | K-Hub |
148 | Principles Of Digital Communications | K-Hub |
149 | Projected Costs Of Generating Electricity - 2010 Edition | K-Hub |
150 | Protein Crystallization Under The Presence Of An Electric Field | K-Hub |
151 | Radiation Protection Manual, U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers | K-Hub |
152 | Radio Frequency Identification: From System To Applications | K-Hub |
153 | Ranaviruses | K-Hub |
154 | Remote Sensing, U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers | K-Hub |
155 | Rl32544, High Altitude Emp And High Power Microwave Devices: Threat Assessments, Congressional Research Service | K-Hub |
156 | Rps3, Maximum Exposure Levels To Radiofrequency Fields--3 Khz To 300 Ghz, Australian Radiation And Nuclear Safety Agency | K-Hub |
157 | Rps3-Qa, Explanatory Q & A Guide To Rps3, Australian Radiation And Nuclear Safety Agency | K-Hub |
158 | Russian Electricity Reform | K-Hub |
159 | Safety In Electrical Testing At Work: General Guidance | K-Hub |
160 | Safety In Electrical Testing: Products On Production Lines | K-Hub |
161 | Safety In Electrical Testing: Servicing And Repair Of Audio, Tv And Computer Equipment | K-Hub |
162 | Saving Electricity In A Hurry | K-Hub |
163 | Saving Electricity In A Hurry - Chinese Version | K-Hub |
164 | Scientist And Engineer'S Guide To Digital Signal Processing | K-Hub |
165 | Sectoral Approaches In Electricity: Building Bridges To A Safe Climate | K-Hub |
166 | Secure And Efficient Electricity Supply | K-Hub |
167 | Security In Distributed, Grid, Mobile, And Pervasive Computing | K-Hub |
168 | Semiconductor Devices: Theory And Application | K-Hub |
169 | Separation Techniques Electroanalítica And Spectrochemical | K-Hub |
170 | Separation, Electroanalytical And Spectrochemical Techniques | K-Hub |
171 | Signals And Systems | K-Hub |
172 | Silicon Based Thin Film Solar Cells | K-Hub |
173 | Small-Signal Stability, Control And Dynamic Performance Of Power Systems | K-Hub |
174 | Special Topics In Information Technology | K-Hub |
175 | Strain-Engineered Mosfets | K-Hub |
176 | Study And Implementation Of Image And Video Matting Techniques | K-Hub |
177 | Study On Power Grid Interconnection And Electricity Trading In Northeast Asia | K-Hub |
178 | Telecommunications Networks: Current Status And Future Trends | K-Hub |
179 | The Application Of Hyperbolic Functions To Electrical Engineering Problems | K-Hub |
180 | The Art Of Approximation In Science And Engineering | K-Hub |
181 | To 1-1-691, Cleaning And Corrosion Prevention And Control, Aerospace And Non-Aerospace Equipment | K-Hub |
182 | Ultrafast Optics Chapter 1 | K-Hub |
183 | United States Navy Electricity And Electronics Training Series | K-Hub |
184 | Ups Selection, Installation, And Maintenance, Dept. Of The Army | K-Hub |
185 | Window Functions And Their Applications In Signal Processing | K-Hub |
S.No. | National Journals | Version |
1 | IEEMA : Electrical & Electronics | |
2 | IETE Technical Review | |
3 | Electrical and Electronics Engineering | |
4 | Bulletins of Materials Science | |
5 | Current Science | |
6 | IETE Journal of Research | |
7 | IETE Journal of Education | |
8 | Pramana Journal of Physics | |
9 | Sadhana (Engineering Sciences) | |
Magazines | ||
10 | Electrical India | |
11 | Powerline Magazine |