S.No |
International Journals |
Package |
1 |
AALL Spectrum |
Jgate |
2 |
AAUP Journal of Academic Freedom |
Jgate |
3 |
ABA bank marketing |
Jgate |
4 |
Abbey Newsletter |
Jgate |
5 |
Academy of Marketing Science Review |
Jgate |
6 |
ACCORD : Occasional Papers |
Jgate |
7 |
Accountancy Business and the Public Interest |
Jgate |
8 |
Accountancy SA |
Jgate |
9 |
Accounting Educators' Journal |
Jgate |
10 |
Accounting Technology |
Jgate |
11 |
Accounting Today |
Jgate |
12 |
ACM SIGCHI Bulletin |
Jgate |
13 |
ACM SIGecom Exchanges |
Jgate |
14 |
ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies |
Jgate |
15 |
Acta Geographica Slovenica |
Jgate |
16 |
Acta Scientiarum: Human and Social Sciences |
Jgate |
17 |
Acta Universitatis Danubius : Administratio |
Jgate |
18 |
Acta Universitatis Danubius : Oeconomica |
Jgate |
19 |
ADB Review |
Jgate |
20 |
Addiction Treatment Forum |
Jgate |
21 |
Adelaide Review |
Jgate |
22 |
Administration and Management Review |
Jgate |
23 |
Administrative & Regulatory Law News |
Jgate |
24 |
Administrative Sciences |
Jgate |
25 |
Adult Education and Development |
Jgate |
26 |
Advances in Accounting, Finance and Economics |
Jgate |
27 |
Advances in Applied Science Research |
Jgate |
28 |
Advances in Cognitive Psychology |
Jgate |
29 |
Advances in Decision Sciences |
Jgate |
30 |
Advances in Environmental Sciences |
Jgate |
31 |
Advances in Internet of Things |
Jgate |
32 |
Advances in Management and Applied Economics |
Jgate |
33 |
Advances in Psychology |
Jgate |
34 |
Advances in Rehabilitation |
Jgate |
35 |
Advances in Social Work |
Jgate |
36 |
Advertising & Marketing Review |
Jgate |
37 |
Advisor Today |
Jgate |
38 |
Advocate |
Jgate |
39 |
Advocates' Forum |
Jgate |
40 |
AEGIS e-Journal |
Jgate |
41 |
Africa Development |
Jgate |
42 |
Africa Renewal |
Jgate |
43 |
Africa Spectrum |
Jgate |
44 |
Africa Update |
Jgate |
45 |
African Journal of Accounting, Economics, Finance and Banking Research |
Jgate |
46 |
African Journal of Business Ethics |
Jgate |
47 |
African Journal of Business Management |
Jgate |
48 |
African Journal of Criminology and Justice Studies |
Jgate |
49 |
African Journal of History and Culture |
Jgate |
50 |
African Journal of Law and Criminology |
Jgate |
51 |
African Journal of Marketing Management |
Jgate |
52 |
African Journal of Political Science and International Relations |
Jgate |
53 |
African Journal of Social Sciences |
Jgate |
54 |
African Journal on Conflict Resolution |
Jgate |
55 |
African Nebula |
Jgate |
56 |
African Population Studies |
Jgate |
57 |
African Studies Quarterly |
Jgate |
58 |
Afroeuropa: Journal of Afroeuropean Studies |
Jgate |
59 |
Aftermarket Business |
Jgate |
60 |
Against the Current |
Jgate |
61 |
Agathos: an International Review of the Humanities and Social Sciences |
Jgate |
62 |
Agbioforum |
Jgate |
63 |
AgExporter |
Jgate |
64 |
AGORA International Journal of Juridical Sciences |
Jgate |
65 |
Agora Trujillo |
Jgate |
66 |
Ágora: Studies in Psychoanalytic Theory |
Jgate |
67 |
AIIM E-DOC Magazine |
Jgate |
68 |
Air Force Law Review |
Jgate |
69 |
Airman |
Jgate |
70 |
Airport Business |
Jgate |
71 |
AIS Educator Journal |
Jgate |
72 |
Akron Law Review |
Jgate |
73 |
Akron Tax Journal |
Jgate |
74 |
Alabama Law Review |
Jgate |
75 |
Alaska Economic Trends |
Jgate |
76 |
Alaska Journal of Commerce |
Jgate |
77 |
Alaska Justice Forum |
Jgate |
78 |
Albany Law Review |
Jgate |
79 |
All Hands |
Jgate |
80 |
Alliance for Children & Families Magazine |
Jgate |
81 |
Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations |
Jgate |
82 |
American Academic |
Jgate |
83 |
American Agent & Broker |
Jgate |
84 |
American City & County |
Jgate |
85 |
American Diplomacy |
Jgate |
86 |
American Editor |
Jgate |
87 |
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research |
Jgate |
88 |
American Journal of Business Education |
Jgate |
89 |
American Journal of Economics and Business Administration |
Jgate |
90 |
American Scholar |
Jgate |
91 |
American University International Law Review |
Jgate |
92 |
American University Law Review |
Jgate |
93 |
AmeriQuests |
Jgate |
94 |
Amfiteatru Economic |
Jgate |
95 |
AMS Review |
Jgate |
96 |
Amsterdam Law Forum |
Jgate |
97 |
Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences |
Jgate |
98 |
Ankara Bar Review |
Jgate |
99 |
Annales Instituti Archaeologici |
Jgate |
100 |
Annales Universitatis Apulensis series Oeconomica |
Jgate |
101 |
Annals of African Medicine |
Jgate |
102 |
Annals of Dunarea de Jos University. Fascicle I : Economics and Applied |
Jgate |
103 |
Annals of Economics and Finance |
Jgate |
104 |
Annals of Innovation & Entrepreneurship |
Jgate |
105 |
Annals of Library and Information Studies |
Jgate |
106 |
Annals of Psychology |
Jgate |
107 |
Annals of the Stefan cel Mare University Suceava |
Jgate |
108 |
Annals of the University of Oradea : Economic Science Series |
Jgate |
109 |
Annals of the University of Petrosani: Economics |
Jgate |
110 |
Annual Survey of International & Comparative Law |
Jgate |
111 |
Anpere: Anthropological Perspectives on Religion |
Jgate |
112 |
AntePodium |
Jgate |
113 |
Anthropoetics |
Jgate |
114 |
Anthropologica del Departamento de Ciencias Sociales |
Jgate |
115 |
Anthropological Notebooks |
Jgate |
116 |
Anthropological Science |
Jgate |
117 |
Anthropologist |
Jgate |
118 |
Anthropology |
Jgate |
119 |
Anthropology Matters Journal |
Jgate |
120 |
Anthropology of East Europe Review |
Jgate |
121 |
Anthropology of Food |
Jgate |
122 |
Antropo |
Jgate |
123 |
Applied Psychology in Criminal Justice |
Jgate |
124 |
Appliederivatives.com |
Jgate |
125 |
Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review |
Jgate |
126 |
Arbutus Review |
Jgate |
127 |
Archaeology |
Jgate |
128 |
Archives of Public Health |
Jgate |
129 |
Area Development |
Jgate |
130 |
Ariadne |
Jgate |
131 |
Arizona Law Review |
Jgate |
132 |
Arkeotek Journal |
Jgate |
133 |
Armed Forces Journal |
Jgate |
134 |
Arms Control Today |
Jgate |
135 |
Army |
Jgate |
136 |
Army Sustainment |
Jgate |
137 |
Army/Navy Store and Outdoor Merchandiser |
Jgate |
138 |
ASCI Journal of Management |
Jgate |
139 |
Asia Journal of Global Studies |
Jgate |
140 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Finance and Banking |
Jgate |
141 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance |
Jgate |
142 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Social Science |
Jgate |
143 |
Asia Pacific: Perspectives |
Jgate |
144 |
Asia Policy |
Jgate |
145 |
Asian Academy of Management Journal |
Jgate |
146 |
Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting and Finance |
Jgate |
147 |
Asian Analysis |
Jgate |
148 |
Asian Arts |
Jgate |
149 |
Asian Development Review |
Jgate |
150 |
Asian Economic and Financial Review |
Jgate |
151 |
Asian Journal of Business and Management Sciences |
Jgate |
152 |
Asian Journal of Business Management |
Jgate |
153 |
Asian Journal of Crop Science |
Jgate |
154 |
Asian Journal of Epidemiology |
Jgate |
155 |
Asian Journal of Experimental Sciences |
Jgate |
156 |
Asian Journal of Finance & Accounting |
Jgate |
157 |
Asian Journal of International Law |
Jgate |
158 |
Asian Journal of Management Research |
Jgate |
159 |
Asian Journal of Marketing |
Jgate |
160 |
Asian Journal of Public Affairs |
Jgate |
161 |
Asian Social Science |
Jgate |
162 |
Asian-Pacific Law & Policy Journal |
Jgate |
163 |
Asia-Pacific Development Journal |
Jgate |
164 |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics |
Jgate |
165 |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development |
Jgate |
166 |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Social Sciences |
Jgate |
167 |
Asia-Pacific Population Journal |
Jgate |
168 |
Asia-Pacific Psychiatry |
Jgate |
169 |
Asia-Pacific Social Science Review |
Jgate |
170 |
ASIL Insights |
Jgate |
171 |
ASIP Bulletin |
Jgate |
172 |
Asphalt Contractor |
Jgate |
173 |
Assemblage |
Jgate |
174 |
Associates |
Jgate |
175 |
Association Meetings |
Jgate |
176 |
ASTM Standardization News |
Jgate |
177 |
Athenea Digital |
Jgate |
178 |
Atlanta Business Chronicle |
Jgate |
179 |
AUCO Czech Economic Review |
Jgate |
180 |
Aurora |
Jgate |
181 |
Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal |
Jgate |
182 |
Australasian Journal of Victorian Studies |
Jgate |
183 |
Australasian Marketing Journal |
Jgate |
184 |
Australian and New Zealand Maritime Law Journal |
Jgate |
185 |
Australian Commodities |
Jgate |
186 |
Australian Community Psychologist |
Jgate |
187 |
Australian Defence Force Journal |
Jgate |
188 |
Australian Journal of Business and Management Research |
Jgate |
189 |
Australian Journal of Educational & Developmental Psychology |
Jgate |
190 |
Australian Journal of Gender and Law |
Jgate |
191 |
Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies |
Jgate |
192 |
Automatic Merchandiser |
Jgate |
193 |
Automation World |
Jgate |
194 |
Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors |
Jgate |
195 |
Azerbaijan Focus-Journal of International Affairs |
Jgate |
196 |
B Sides |
Jgate |
197 |
B>Quest |
Jgate |
198 |
Backbone |
Jgate |
199 |
Backgrounder - C. D. Howe Institute |
Jgate |
200 |
Bad Subjects |
Jgate |
201 |
Baltic Journal of Economics |
Jgate |
202 |
Baltic Security and Defence Review |
Jgate |
203 |
Bangladesh e-Journal of Sociology |
Jgate |
204 |
Bank Director |
Jgate |
205 |
Bank of Canada Review |
Jgate |
206 |
Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin |
Jgate |
207 |
Bank of Valletta Review |
Jgate |
208 |
Bank Technology News |
Jgate |
209 |
Banking and Finance Review |
Jgate |
210 |
Baylor Business Review |
Jgate |
211 |
Behavior Analyst Today |
Jgate |
212 |
Behavior and Social Issues |
Jgate |
213 |
Behavioral and Brain Functions |
Jgate |
214 |
Behavioral Healthcare |
Jgate |
215 |
Behavioral Sciences |
Jgate |
216 |
Beijing Law Review |
Jgate |
217 |
Beijing Review |
Jgate |
218 |
Belphegor |
Jgate |
219 |
Bench & Bar of Minnesota |
Jgate |
220 |
Berkeley Journal of International Law |
Jgate |
221 |
Berkeley Review of Latin American Studies |
Jgate |
222 |
Between the Species |
Jgate |
223 |
BID: Texts universitaris of librarianship and Documentation |
Jgate |
224 |
Bilgi Dünyasý |
Jgate |
225 |
Biltoki |
Jgate |
226 |
BIOINFO Business Economics |
Jgate |
227 |
BIOINFO Business Management |
Jgate |
228 |
BIOINFO Sociology |
Jgate |
229 |
Biolinguistics |
Jgate |
230 |
Biomedical Digital Libraries |
Jgate |
231 |
Biopolicy Journal |
Jgate |
232 |
BioPsychoSocial Medicine |
Jgate |
233 |
Boating Industry International |
Jgate |
234 |
Bodhi: An Interdisciplinary Journal |
Jgate |
235 |
Body Positive |
Jgate |
236 |
Bologna Center Journal of International Affairs |
Jgate |
237 |
Bombay Hospital Journal |
Jgate |
238 |
Bond Law Review |
Jgate |
239 |
Boston College Law Review |
Jgate |
240 |
Boston Review |
Jgate |
241 |
Boston University International Law Journal |
Jgate |
242 |
Boston University Law Review |
Jgate |
243 |
Brains, Minds & Media |
Jgate |
244 |
BRAND : Broad Research in Accounting, Negotiation, and Distribution |
Jgate |
245 |
Brazilian Administration Review |
Jgate |
246 |
Brazilian Business Review |
Jgate |
247 |
Brazilian Finance Review |
Jgate |
248 |
Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management |
Jgate |
249 |
Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy |
Jgate |
250 |
Brazilian Journalism Research |
Jgate |
251 |
Brazilian Marketing Journal |
Jgate |
252 |
Brazilian Political Science Review |
Jgate |
253 |
Brigham Young University Law Review |
Jgate |
254 |
British Archaeology |
Jgate |
255 |
Broker Magazine |
Jgate |
256 |
Brooklyn Journal of International Law |
Jgate |
257 |
Brussels Studies |
Jgate |
258 |
Bryn Mawr Classical Review |
Jgate |
259 |
Buffalo Law Review |
Jgate |
260 |
Building Operating Management |
Jgate |
261 |
Bulletin of Experimental Treatments for AIDS |
Jgate |
262 |
Bulletin of Italian Politics |
Jgate |
263 |
Bulletin of Statistics |
Jgate |
264 |
Bulletin of the International Association for Paleodontology |
Jgate |
265 |
BuR : Business Research |
Jgate |
266 |
Business & Economic Review |
Jgate |
267 |
Business . |
Jgate |
268 |
Business and Economic History On-Line |
Jgate |
269 |
Business and Economic Horizons |
Jgate |
270 |
Business and Economics Research Journal |
Jgate |
271 |
Business and Management Review |
Jgate |
272 |
Business and Social Sciences Review |
Jgate |
273 |
Business Communications Review |
Jgate |
274 |
Business Education & Accreditation |
Jgate |
275 |
Business History Review |
Jgate |
276 |
Business Intelligence Journal |
Jgate |
277 |
Business Law Today |
Jgate |
278 |
Business Leader |
Jgate |
279 |
Business Management and Strategy |
Jgate |
280 |
Business Performance Management |
Jgate |
281 |
Business Review - Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia |
Jgate |
282 |
Business to Business Magazine |
Jgate |
283 |
CA Magazine |
Jgate |
284 |
Caderno CRH |
Jgate |
285 |
Cadernos Cedes |
Jgate |
286 |
Cadernos Pagu |
Jgate |
287 |
Cadmus |
Jgate |
288 |
California Bar Journal |
Jgate |
289 |
California Law Review |
Jgate |
290 |
California Western Law Review |
Jgate |
291 |
CAmagazine |
Jgate |
292 |
Cambridge Medicine |
Jgate |
293 |
Campbell Law Review |
Jgate |
294 |
Campus Technology |
Jgate |
295 |
Canadian Banker |
Jgate |
296 |
Canadian Investment Review |
Jgate |
297 |
Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue Canadienne des Études |
Jgate |
298 |
Canadian Journal of Media Studies |
Jgate |
299 |
Canadian Journal of Native Studies |
Jgate |
300 |
Canadian Journal of Sociology |
Jgate |
301 |
Canadian Military Journal |
Jgate |
302 |
Canadian Online Journal of Queer Studies in Education |
Jgate |
303 |
Canadian Parliamentary Review |
Jgate |
304 |
Canadian Political Science Review |
Jgate |
305 |
Canadian Review of Policing Research |
Jgate |
306 |
Canadian Social Science |
Jgate |
307 |
Canadian Social Studies |
Jgate |
308 |
Canadian Social Trends |
Jgate |
309 |
Canadian Studies in Population |
Jgate |
310 |
Canadian Undergraduate Journal of Cognitive Science |
Jgate |
311 |
Canadian Underwriter |
Jgate |
312 |
Candy Industry |
Jgate |
313 |
Capabilities |
Jgate |
314 |
Capítulo Criminológico |
Jgate |
315 |
Caravan |
Jgate |
316 |
Cardiac Cath Lab Director |
Jgate |
317 |
Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal |
Jgate |
318 |
Cardozo Law Review |
Jgate |
319 |
Caribbean Journal of Philosophy |
Jgate |
320 |
Caribbean Journal of Science |
Jgate |
321 |
Case Reports in Psychiatry |
Jgate |
322 |
Case Studies in Business, Industry and Government Statistics |
Jgate |
323 |
Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law |
Jgate |
324 |
Casual Living |
Jgate |
325 |
Catalog Success |
Jgate |
326 |
Catholic Social Science Review |
Jgate |
327 |
Cato Journal |
Jgate |
328 |
Cato Supreme Court Review |
Jgate |
329 |
Caucasian Review of International Affairs |
Jgate |
330 |
Cave Archaeology and Palaeontology Research Archive |
Jgate |
331 |
Central Bank Review |
Jgate |
332 |
Central Eurasian Studies Review |
Jgate |
333 |
Central European Journal of International and Security Studies |
Jgate |
334 |
Central European Journal of Public Policy |
Jgate |
335 |
CES Working Papers |
Jgate |
336 |
CESifo Forum |
Jgate |
337 |
CEU Political Science Journal |
Jgate |
338 |
CFO Asia |
Jgate |
339 |
CFO Magazine |
Jgate |
340 |
Chain Leader |
Jgate |
341 |
Champ pénal |
Jgate |
342 |
Chief Learning Officer |
Jgate |
343 |
Childhood in Africa: An Interdisciplinary Journal |
Jgate |
344 |
Chimera |
Jgate |
345 |
China and Eurasia Forum Quarterly |
Jgate |
346 |
China Journal of Accounting Research |
Jgate |
347 |
China Media Research |
Jgate |
348 |
China Review |
Jgate |
349 |
Chinese Librarianship |
Jgate |
350 |
Chinese Southern Diaspora Studies |
Jgate |
351 |
Chungará |
Jgate |
352 |
Ciência da Informação |
Jgate |
353 |
Ciencia, Docencia y Tecnologia |
Jgate |
354 |
Cinta de Moebio: Revista Electronica de Epistemologia de Ciencias Sociales |
Jgate |
355 |
Cites & Insights: Crawford at Large |
Jgate |
356 |
City & Time |
Jgate |
357 |
Cityscape |
Jgate |
358 |
Civitas |
Jgate |
359 |
Cleveland State Law Review |
Jgate |
360 |
Climate Change Economics |
Jgate |
361 |
CodeLib Journal |
Jgate |
362 |
CODESRIA Bulletin |
Jgate |
363 |
Codex: the Journal of the Louisiana Chapter of the ACRL |
Jgate |
364 |
Collaborative Librarianship |
Jgate |
365 |
College of St. Elizabeth Journal of the Behavioral Sciences |
Jgate |
366 |
Collegium : Studies across disciplines in the humanities and social sciences |
Jgate |
367 |
Collegium Antropologicum |
Jgate |
368 |
Coloradobiz |
Jgate |
369 |
Columbia Human Rights Law Review |
Jgate |
370 |
Columbia Journal |
Jgate |
371 |
Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems |
Jgate |
372 |
Columbia Journalism Review |
Jgate |
373 |
Columbia Law Review |
Jgate |
374 |
Columbia Science and Technology Law Review |
Jgate |
375 |
Columbia Undergraduate Science Journal |
Jgate |
376 |
Commercial Investment Real Estate |
Jgate |
377 |
Commonwealth Journal of Local Governance |
Jgate |
378 |
Communications of the IBIMA |
Jgate |
379 |
Communities and Banking |
Jgate |
380 |
Community Dividend |
Jgate |
381 |
Comparative Economic Research |
Jgate |
382 |
Comparative Law Review |
Jgate |
383 |
Compensation and Working Conditions |
Jgate |
384 |
Complexity International |
Jgate |
385 |
Computers in Higher Education Economics Review |
Jgate |
386 |
Conflict & Communication Online |
Jgate |
387 |
Conflict Trends Magazine |
Jgate |
388 |
Connecticut Insurance Law Journal |
Jgate |
389 |
Connecticut Law Review |
Jgate |
390 |
Connecticut Public Interest Law Journal |
Jgate |
391 |
Conservative Judaism |
Jgate |
392 |
Construction Distribution |
Jgate |
393 |
Contabilidade Vista & Revista |
Jgate |
394 |
Contemporary Issues and Ideas in Social Sciences |
Jgate |
395 |
Contemporary Management Research |
Jgate |
396 |
Contemporary Marketing Review |
Jgate |
397 |
Continental Journal of Social Sciences |
Jgate |
398 |
Contingencies |
Jgate |
399 |
Contract Manufacturing & Packaging |
Jgate |
400 |
Contracting Business |
Jgate |
401 |
Contracting Profits |
Jgate |
402 |
Contretemps |
Jgate |
403 |
Convenience Store Decisions |
Jgate |
404 |
Cooperator |
Jgate |
405 |
Coordinates: Series A |
Jgate |
406 |
Coordinates: Series B |
Jgate |
407 |
Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies |
Jgate |
408 |
Copyright Bulletin |
Jgate |
409 |
Cornell Law Review |
Jgate |
410 |
Corporate Counsel Magazine |
Jgate |
411 |
Corporate Governance |
Jgate |
412 |
Corporate Governance eJournal |
Jgate |
413 |
Corporate Logo.com |
Jgate |
414 |
Corporate Meetings & Incentives |
Jgate |
415 |
Corrections Technology & Management |
Jgate |
416 |
Cosmopolitan Civil Societies |
Jgate |
417 |
Cosmos and History |
Jgate |
418 |
Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation |
Jgate |
419 |
CPA Journal |
Jgate |
420 |
CPA Technology Advisor |
Jgate |
421 |
Craft+Design Enquiry |
Jgate |
422 |
Crimes and Misdemeanours; Deviance and the Law in Historical Perspective |
Jgate |
423 |
Critical Care Nurse |
Jgate |
424 |
Critical Disability Discourse |
Jgate |
425 |
Critical Race and Whiteness Studies |
Jgate |
426 |
Critical Social Work |
Jgate |
427 |
Critical Studies in Improvisation |
Jgate |
428 |
Critical Theory and Social Justice |
Jgate |
429 |
Croatian Review of Rehabilitation Research |
Jgate |
430 |
Cross-cultural Communication |
Jgate |
431 |
Crossroads: The ASA journal |
Jgate |
432 |
Jgate |
433 |
Ctheory |
Jgate |
434 |
Cuadernos de Administración’s |
Jgate |
435 |
Cuadernos de Economía |
Jgate |
436 |
Cuadernos de Economia y Direccion de la Empresa |
Jgate |
437 |
Cuizine: The Journal of Canadian Food Cultures |
Jgate |
438 |
Cultivate Interactive |
Jgate |
439 |
Cultural Logic |
Jgate |
440 |
Cultural Survival Quarterly |
Jgate |
441 |
Cultural Survival Voices |
Jgate |
442 |
Culture and Society : Journal of Social Research |
Jgate |
443 |
Cumhuriyet Universitesi Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences |
Jgate |
444 |
Cuneiform Digital Library Bulletin |
Jgate |
445 |
Cuneiform Digital Library Journal |
Jgate |
446 |
Current Issues in Auditing |
Jgate |
447 |
Current Issues in Comparative Education |
Jgate |
448 |
Current Issues in Education |
Jgate |
449 |
Current Issues of Business and Law |
Jgate |
450 |
Current Psychology Letters: Behaviour, Brain & Cognition |
Jgate |
451 |
Current Research in Social Psychology |
Jgate |
452 |
Current Research Journal of Economic Theory |
Jgate |
453 |
Current Research Journal of Social Science |
Jgate |
454 |
Currents : New Scholarship in the Human Services |
Jgate |
455 |
Customer Relationship Management Magazine |
Jgate |
456 |
Cybrarians Journal |
Jgate |
457 |
Cyprus Journal of Sciences |
Jgate |
458 |
Czech Journal of Economics and Finance |
Jgate |
459 |
Czech Sociological Review |
Jgate |
460 |
Dados: Revista de Ciências Sociais |
Jgate |
461 |
Dalhousie Journal of Interdisciplinary Management |
Jgate |
462 |
DAV Magazine |
Jgate |
463 |
Deakin Law Review |
Jgate |
464 |
Defence & Security Alert |
Jgate |
465 |
Defence & Strategy |
Jgate |
466 |
Defence S&T Technical Bulletin |
Jgate |
467 |
Defense Acquisition Review Journal |
Jgate |
468 |
Defense AT&L |
Jgate |
469 |
Delaware Journal of Corporate Law |
Jgate |
470 |
Delaware Review of Latin American Studies |
Jgate |
471 |
Democracy & Education |
Jgate |
472 |
Democracy: A Journal of Ideas |
Jgate |
473 |
Democratic Left |
Jgate |
474 |
Demographic Research |
Jgate |
475 |
Denver University Law Review |
Jgate |
476 |
Design and Culture |
Jgate |
477 |
Design/Build Business |
Jgate |
478 |
Development Express |
Jgate |
479 |
Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology |
Jgate |
480 |
Dialogue |
Jgate |
481 |
Digital Culture & Education |
Jgate |
482 |
Digital Technology Law Journal |
Jgate |
483 |
Disability Studies Quarterly |
Jgate |
484 |
Disability World |
Jgate |
485 |
Disability, CBR & Inclusive Development |
Jgate |
486 |
DISAM Journal |
Jgate |
487 |
Disarmament Forum |
Jgate |
488 |
Discourse Analysis Online |
Jgate |
489 |
DISP Journal |
Jgate |
490 |
District Administration |
Jgate |
491 |
D-Lib Magazine |
Jgate |
492 |
DLSU Business & Economics Review |
Jgate |
493 |
DM Review |
Jgate |
494 |
Document Manager |
Jgate |
495 |
Dogus University Journal |
Jgate |
496 |
Dubrovnik Annals |
Jgate |
497 |
Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum |
Jgate |
498 |
Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law |
Jgate |
499 |
Duke Journal of Constitutional Law & Public Policy |
Jgate |
500 |
Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy |
Jgate |
501 |
Duke Law Journal |
Jgate |
502 |
Durham Anthropology Journal |
Jgate |
503 |
Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences |
Jgate |
504 |
Dynamical Psychology |
Jgate |
505 |
E Law: Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law |
Jgate |
506 |
Eä – Journal of Medical Humanities & Social Studies of Science and |
Jgate |
507 |
Early Childhood Research & Practice |
Jgate |
508 |
East Asian Pastoral Review |
Jgate |
509 |
Eastern European Countryside |
Jgate |
510 |
Eastern Journal of European Studies |
Jgate |
511 |
E-BANGI:Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities |
Jgate |
512 |
EBS Review |
Jgate |
513 |
Econ Journal Watch |
Jgate |
514 |
Economia : Seria Management |
Jgate |
515 |
Economia Aplicada |
Jgate |
516 |
Economia e Sociedade |
Jgate |
517 |
Economic Analysis and Policy |
Jgate |
518 |
Economic Analysis of Law Review |
Jgate |
519 |
Economic Analysis Review/Revista de Análisis Económico |
Jgate |
520 |
Economic and Financial Policy Review |
Jgate |
521 |
Economic and Social Review |
Jgate |
522 |
Economic Annals |
Jgate |
523 |
Economic Bulletin |
Jgate |
524 |
Economic Policy Review |
Jgate |
525 |
Economic Reform Feature Service |
Jgate |
526 |
Economic Trends |
Jgate |
527 |
Economics |
Jgate |
528 |
Economics and Business |
Jgate |
529 |
Economics and Finance Review |
Jgate |
530 |
Economics and Organization of Enterprise |
Jgate |
531 |
Economics Bulletin |
Jgate |
532 |
Economics Research International |
Jgate |
533 |
Economics,Management and Financial Markets |
Jgate |
534 |
Economy Informatics |
Jgate |
535 |
Economy Transdisciplinarity Cognition |
Jgate |
536 |
EconSouth |
Jgate |
537 |
Edification: the Transdisciplinary Journal of Christian Psychology |
Jgate |
538 |
Educar em Revista |
Jgate |
539 |
Edutopia |
Jgate |
540 |
Edwardsville Journal of Sociology |
Jgate |
541 |
EIPAscope |
Jgate |
542 |
EJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government |
Jgate |
543 |
E-Journal of Organizational Learning and Leadership |
Jgate |
544 |
eJournal of Tax Research |
Jgate |
545 |
Ejournalist: A Refereed Media Journal |
Jgate |
546 |
eJOV |
Jgate |
547 |
Electronic British Library Journal |
Jgate |
548 |
Electronic International Journal of Time Use Research |
Jgate |
549 |
Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship |
Jgate |
550 |
Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods |
Jgate |
551 |
Electronic Journal of Comparative Law |
Jgate |
552 |
Electronic Journal of Contemporary Japanese Studies |
Jgate |
553 |
Electronic Journal of e-Government |
Jgate |
554 |
Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality |
Jgate |
555 |
Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management |
Jgate |
556 |
Electronic Journal of Radical Organization Theory |
Jgate |
557 |
Electronic Journal of Sociology |
Jgate |
558 |
Emerging Leadership Journeys |
Jgate |
559 |
Emory Bankruptcy Developments Journal |
Jgate |
560 |
Emory International Law Review |
Jgate |
561 |
Emory Law Journal |
Jgate |
562 |
Encontros Bibli: revista eletrônica de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação |
Jgate |
563 |
Energy Law Journal |
Jgate |
564 |
Enfoque: Reflexão Contábil |
Jgate |
565 |
Engage |
Jgate |
566 |
Engineering Economics |
Jgate |
567 |
Engineering Enterprise Magazine |
Jgate |
568 |
Enhancing Learning in the Social Sciences |
Jgate |
569 |
Entelequia, Revista Interdisciplinar |
Jgate |
570 |
Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies |
Jgate |
571 |
Entrepreneur International Magazine |
Jgate |
572 |
Entrepreneurial Business Law Journal |
Jgate |
573 |
Entropy |
Jgate |
574 |
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions |
Jgate |
575 |
Ephemera |
Jgate |
576 |
Epiphany |
Jgate |
577 |
Epn: European Pensions and Investment News |
Jgate |
578 |
Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics |
Jgate |
579 |
Erasmus Law and Economics Review |
Jgate |
580 |
ERCES Online Quarterly Review |
Jgate |
581 |
Erivativesreview.com |
Jgate |
582 |
Espacios |
Jgate |
583 |
ESR Review |
Jgate |
584 |
Essex Human Rights Review |
Jgate |
585 |
Estey Centre Journal of International Law and Trade Policy |
Jgate |
586 |
Estonian Journal of Archaeology |
Jgate |
587 |
Estudios de Economía |
Jgate |
588 |
Estudos Afro-Asiaticos |
Jgate |
589 |
Estudos de Psicologia |
Jgate |
590 |
Ethics & Global Politics |
Jgate |
591 |
Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics |
Jgate |
592 |
Ethiopian Journal of Education and Sciences |
Jgate |
593 |
Ethnobotany Research and Applications |
Jgate |
594 |
ETHOS: Dialogues in Philosophy and Social Sciences |
Jgate |
595 |
EuroEconomica |
Jgate |
596 |
European Affairs |
Jgate |
597 |
European Integration Online Papers |
Jgate |
598 |
European Integration Studies |
Jgate |
599 |
European Journal |
Jgate |
600 |
European Journal of American Studies |
Jgate |
601 |
European Journal of Comparative Economics |
Jgate |
602 |
European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences |
Jgate |
603 |
European Journal of ePractice |
Jgate |
604 |
European Journal of Finance and Banking Research |
Jgate |
605 |
European Journal of Law and Technology |
Jgate |
606 |
European Journal of Legal Studies |
Jgate |
607 |
European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context |
Jgate |
608 |
European Journal of Social Sciences |
Jgate |
609 |
European Journal of Spatial Development |
Jgate |
610 |
European Papers on the New Welfare |
Jgate |
611 |
European Spatial Research and Policy |
Jgate |
612 |
European Transport Research Review |
Jgate |
613 |
Evidence Based Library and Information Practice |
Jgate |
614 |
Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review |
Jgate |
615 |
Evolutionary Psychology |
Jgate |
616 |
Evropská volební studia |
Jgate |
617 |
Exopolitics Journal |
Jgate |
618 |
Experimental Medicine |
Jgate |
619 |
Express Computer |
Jgate |
620 |
Family Science Review |
Jgate |
621 |
Far East Journal of Psychology and Business |
Jgate |
622 |
Far Eastern University Communication Journal |
Jgate |
623 |
Fast Capitalism |
Jgate |
624 |
Fast Company Magazine |
Jgate |
625 |
FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin |
Jgate |
626 |
FDCC Quarterly |
Jgate |
627 |
FDIC Quarterly |
Jgate |
628 |
Federal Communications Law Journal |
Jgate |
629 |
Federal Courts Law Review |
Jgate |
630 |
Federal probation |
Jgate |
631 |
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review |
Jgate |
632 |
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas Economic Review |
Jgate |
633 |
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Economic Review |
Jgate |
634 |
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review |
Jgate |
635 |
Federal Reserve Bulletin |
Jgate |
636 |
Fedgazette |
Jgate |
637 |
Fides et Libertas |
Jgate |
638 |
Field Actions Science Reports |
Jgate |
639 |
Field Artillery Journal |
Jgate |
640 |
FIEO News |
Jgate |
641 |
Film & Video |
Jgate |
642 |
Finance |
Jgate |
643 |
Finance & Development |
Jgate |
644 |
Finance and Accounting Outsourcing Today |
Jgate |
645 |
Financial & Insurance Meetings |
Jgate |
646 |
Financial Advisor |
Jgate |
647 |
Financial Industry Perspectives |
Jgate |
648 |
Financial Planning |
Jgate |
649 |
Financial Reporting, Regulation and Governance |
Jgate |
650 |
Financial Services Review |
Jgate |
651 |
Financial Stability Review |
Jgate |
652 |
Financial System Review |
Jgate |
653 |
Financial Technology Bulletin |
Jgate |
654 |
Financial Theory and Practice |
Jgate |
655 |
Financial Update |
Jgate |
656 |
Finnish Economic Papers |
Jgate |
657 |
Finnish Journal of Ethnicity and Migration |
Jgate |
658 |
First Monday |
Jgate |
659 |
First Peoples Child & Family Review |
Jgate |
660 |
Fiscal Facts |
Jgate |
661 |
Fixed Point Theory and Applications |
Jgate |
662 |
Flinders Journal of History and Politics |
Jgate |
663 |
Florida State University Law Review |
Jgate |
664 |
Focus WTO |
Jgate |
665 |
Folia Oeconomica Stetinensia |
Jgate |
666 |
Food Engineering |
Jgate |
667 |
Food in Canada |
Jgate |
668 |
Food Logistics |
Jgate |
669 |
Food Outlook |
Jgate |
670 |
Footprint |
Jgate |
671 |
Forced Migration Review |
Jgate |
672 |
Fordham International Law Journal |
Jgate |
673 |
Fordham Law Review |
Jgate |
674 |
Foreign Service Journal |
Jgate |
675 |
Forensic Science Communications |
Jgate |
676 |
Forum: Qualitative Social Research |
Jgate |
677 |
Foucault Studies |
Jgate |
678 |
Fourth World Journal |
Jgate |
679 |
Franchising World |
Jgate |
680 |
Frazer Forum |
Jgate |
681 |
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience |
Jgate |
682 |
Frontiers in Psychiatry |
Jgate |
683 |
Frontiers in Psychology |
Jgate |
684 |
Frontline |
Jgate |
685 |
Gay and Lesbian Issues and Psychology Review |
Jgate |
686 |
Genders |
Jgate |
687 |
Genomics, Society and Policy |
Jgate |
688 |
GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites |
Jgate |
689 |
George Mason Law Review |
Jgate |
690 |
George Washington International Law Review |
Jgate |
691 |
George Washington law review |
Jgate |
692 |
Georgetown Law Journal |
Jgate |
693 |
Georgia State University Law Review |
Jgate |
694 |
German Journal of Urban Studies |
Jgate |
695 |
Global Cosmetic Industry |
Jgate |
696 |
Global Finance |
Jgate |
697 |
Global Focus |
Jgate |
698 |
Global Issues |
Jgate |
699 |
Global Journal of Business Excellence |
Jgate |
700 |
Global Journal of Business Research |
Jgate |
701 |
Global Journal of Finance and Banking Issues |
Jgate |
702 |
Global Journal of International Business Research |
Jgate |
703 |
Global Journalist Magazine |
Jgate |
704 |
Global Labour Journal |
Jgate |
705 |
Global Media Journal |
Jgate |
706 |
Global Media Journal : African Edition |
Jgate |
707 |
Global Media Journal : Australian Edition |
Jgate |
708 |
Global Media Journal : Canadian Edition |
Jgate |
709 |
Global Media Journal : Mediterranean Edition |
Jgate |
710 |
Global Media Journal : Pakistan Edition |
Jgate |
711 |
Global Media Journal : Turkish Edition |
Jgate |
712 |
Global Perspectives on Accounting Education |
Jgate |
713 |
Global Technoscan |
Jgate |
714 |
Global Terrorism Analysis |
Jgate |
715 |
Globality Studies Journal |
Jgate |
716 |
Globalization |
Jgate |
717 |
Goettingen Journal of International Law |
Jgate |
718 |
Gold Bulletin |
Jgate |
719 |
Golden Gate University Law Review |
Jgate |
720 |
Gonzaga Journal of International Law |
Jgate |
721 |
Göttingen Journal of International Law |
Jgate |
722 |
Governing |
Jgate |
723 |
Government Executive |
Jgate |
724 |
Government Procurement |
Jgate |
725 |
Government Standard |
Jgate |
726 |
GPSolo |
Jgate |
727 |
Graduate Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies |
Jgate |
728 |
Graduate Journal of Social Science |
Jgate |
729 |
Grassroots Editor |
Jgate |
730 |
Graziadio Business Review |
Jgate |
731 |
Greater Lansing Business Monthly |
Jgate |
732 |
Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies |
Jgate |
733 |
GreenMoneyJournal |
Jgate |
734 |
Ground Support Maintenance |
Jgate |
735 |
Guttmacher Policy Review |
Jgate |
736 |
Hamburg Review of Social Sciences |
Jgate |
737 |
Harvard Asia Quarterly |
Jgate |
738 |
Harvard Business School Bulletin |
Jgate |
739 |
Harvard Environmental Law Review |
Jgate |
740 |
Harvard Journal of Hispanic policy |
Jgate |
741 |
Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy |
Jgate |
742 |
Harvard Journal of Law & Technology |
Jgate |
743 |
Harvard Journal of Law and Gender |
Jgate |
744 |
Harvard Journal of Sports and Entertainment Law |
Jgate |
745 |
Harvard Journal on Legislation |
Jgate |
746 |
Harvard Journal on Racial and Ethnic Justice |
Jgate |
747 |
Harvard Law Review |
Jgate |
748 |
Harvard Magazine |
Jgate |
749 |
Harvard Negotiation Law Review |
Jgate |
750 |
Hastings law Journal |
Jgate |
751 |
Hawaii Business |
Jgate |
752 |
HCDC Faculty Research Journal |
Jgate |
753 |
Health Care Financing Review |
Jgate |
754 |
Health Economics Review |
Jgate |
755 |
Health Research Policy and Systems |
Jgate |
756 |
Helsinki Charter |
Jgate |
757 |
Heritage Language Journal |
Jgate |
758 |
Himalayan Journal of Sociology and Anthropology |
Jgate |
759 |
Historia, Ciencias, Saude - Manguinhos |
Jgate |
760 |
Hofstra Labor & Employment Law Journal |
Jgate |
761 |
Hofstra Law Review |
Jgate |
762 |
Home Accents Today |
Jgate |
763 |
Home Health Products |
Jgate |
764 |
Homeland Security Affairs |
Jgate |
765 |
Hope’s Reason: A Journal of Apologetics |
Jgate |
766 |
Horizons |
Jgate |
767 |
Horizontes Antropológicos |
Jgate |
768 |
Hospital |
Jgate |
769 |
Hotel Management |
Jgate |
770 |
Hotels' Investment Outlook |
Jgate |
771 |
Housekeeping Solutions |
Jgate |
772 |
Housing Policy Debate |
Jgate |
773 |
Houston Law Review |
Jgate |
774 |
Houston Lawyer |
Jgate |
775 |
Howard Law Journal |
Jgate |
776 |
Human Geographies:Journal of Studies and Research in Human Geography |
Jgate |
777 |
Human Resources Outsourcing Europe |
Jgate |
778 |
Human Rights |
Jgate |
779 |
Human Rights & Human Welfare |
Jgate |
780 |
Human Rights Brief |
Jgate |
781 |
Human Security Journal |
Jgate |
782 |
Human Technology |
Jgate |
783 |
Humanidades Medicas |
Jgate |
784 |
Humanitas |
Jgate |
785 |
Humanity & Social Sciences Journal |
Jgate |
786 |
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences |
Jgate |
787 |
Hyperion International Journal of Econophysics & New Economy |
Jgate |
788 |
IASSIST Quarterly |
Jgate |
789 |
Ibero-American Strategy Journal |
Jgate |
790 |
IBIMA Business Review |
Jgate |
791 |
IBScientific Journal of Science |
Jgate |
792 |
IBusiness |
Jgate |
793 |
id insights |
Jgate |
794 |
id: Information for Development |
Jgate |
795 |
Idaho Librarian |
Jgate |
796 |
Idaho Yesterdays |
Jgate |
797 |
IDEA: A Journal of Social Issues |
Jgate |
798 |
IDEA: The Intellectual Property Law Review |
Jgate |
799 |
Ideas y Valores |
Jgate |
800 |
IDEYA : Journal of the Humanities |
Jgate |
801 |
IIC Monthly Newsletter |
Jgate |
802 |
IIMB Management Review |
Jgate |
803 |
ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law |
Jgate |
804 |
IMF Research Bulletin |
Jgate |
805 |
IMF Survey |
Jgate |
806 |
Inbound Logistics |
Jgate |
807 |
inCite |
Jgate |
808 |
Indian Defence Review |
Jgate |
809 |
Indian Folklife |
Jgate |
810 |
Indian Journal of Commerce & Management Studies |
Jgate |
811 |
Indian Journal of Human Development |
Jgate |
812 |
Indian Journal of Occupational Therapy |
Jgate |
813 |
Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences |
Jgate |
814 |
Indian Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation |
Jgate |
815 |
Indian Journal of Secularism |
Jgate |
816 |
Indian Journal of Social Science Researches |
Jgate |
817 |
Indian Streams Research Journal |
Jgate |
818 |
Indian Textile Journal |
Jgate |
819 |
Indiana Business Review |
Jgate |
820 |
Indiana Law Journal |
Jgate |
821 |
Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology |
Jgate |
822 |
Indus Journal of Management & Social Sciences |
Jgate |
823 |
Industrial Economist |
Jgate |
824 |
Industrial Geographer |
Jgate |
825 |
Industrial Management |
Jgate |
826 |
Industrial Marketing & Purchasing Journal |
Jgate |
827 |
Industrial-Organizational Psychologist |
Jgate |
828 |
Industry Week |
Jgate |
829 |
Informacion, Cultura y Sociedad |
Jgate |
830 |
Informatics |
Jgate |
831 |
Information Bulletin for Librarians |
Jgate |
832 |
Information for Social Change |
Jgate |
833 |
Information Scotland |
Jgate |
834 |
Information Technology and Disabilities |
Jgate |
835 |
Information Technology Newsletter |
Jgate |
836 |
Information World |
Jgate |
837 |
Informationweek |
Jgate |
838 |
Informing Science |
Jgate |
839 |
Inside Self-Storage |
Jgate |
840 |
Intangible Capital |
Jgate |
841 |
Integral Review |
Jgate |
842 |
Intellectual Discourse |
Jgate |
843 |
Intelligent Information Management |
Jgate |
844 |
InTensions |
Jgate |
845 |
Intensities: The Journal of Cult Media |
Jgate |
846 |
Inter Faculty |
Jgate |
847 |
Interações |
Jgate |
848 |
Interciencia |
Jgate |
849 |
Intercollegiate Review |
Jgate |
850 |
Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems |
Jgate |
851 |
Interdisciplinary Ejournal |
Jgate |
852 |
Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business |
Jgate |
853 |
Interdisciplinary Journal of NTT Development Studies |
Jgate |
854 |
Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based Learning |
Jgate |
855 |
Interdisciplinary Journal of Research in Business |
Jgate |
856 |
Interdisciplinary Political Studies |
Jgate |
857 |
Interface |
Jgate |
858 |
Interface: A Journal for and About Social Movements |
Jgate |
859 |
Interior Design |
Jgate |
860 |
International Black Sea University Scientific Journal |
Jgate |
861 |
International Bulletin of Political Psychology |
Jgate |
862 |
International Business & Economics Research Journal |
Jgate |
863 |
International Business and Management |
Jgate |
864 |
International Business Management |
Jgate |
865 |
International Business Research |
Jgate |
866 |
International Data Privacy Law |
Jgate |
867 |
International Education Journal |
Jgate |
868 |
International Free and Open Source Software Law Review |
Jgate |
869 |
International Indigenous Policy Journal |
Jgate |
870 |
International Journal for Court Administration |
Jgate |
871 |
International Journal of Academic Research in Business & Social Sciences |
Jgate |
872 |
International Journal of Ageing and Later Life |
Jgate |
873 |
International Journal of Alzheimer's Disease |
Jgate |
874 |
International Journal of Applied Econometrics and Quantitative Studies |
Jgate |
875 |
International Journal of Applied Economics |
Jgate |
876 |
International Journal of Applied Economics and Finance |
Jgate |
877 |
International Journal of Asia-Pacific studies |
Jgate |
878 |
International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy |
Jgate |
879 |
International Journal of BioSciences, Psychiatry and Technology |
Jgate |
880 |
International Journal of Business Administration |
Jgate |
881 |
International Journal of Business and Economics |
Jgate |
882 |
International Journal of Business and Finance Research |
Jgate |
883 |
International Journal of Business and Information |
Jgate |
884 |
International Journal of Business and Management |
Jgate |
885 |
International Journal of Business and Management Studies |
Jgate |
886 |
International Journal of Business Research and Management |
Jgate |
887 |
International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management |
Jgate |
888 |
International Journal of Business, Economics, Finance and Management |
Jgate |
889 |
International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies |
Jgate |
890 |
International Journal of Childbirth Education |
Jgate |
891 |
International Journal of Circumpolar Health |
Jgate |
892 |
International Journal of Civil Society Law |
Jgate |
893 |
International Journal of Communications Law and Policy |
Jgate |
894 |
International Journal of Community Currency Research |
Jgate |
895 |
International Journal of Community Music |
Jgate |
896 |
International Journal of Comparative Psychology |
Jgate |
897 |
International Journal of Complexity in Leadership and Management |
Jgate |
898 |
International Journal of Computational Engineering and Management |
Jgate |
899 |
International Journal of Conflict and Violence |
Jgate |
900 |
International Journal of Contemporary Business Studies |
Jgate |
901 |
International Journal of Criminal Investigation |
Jgate |
902 |
International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences |
Jgate |
903 |
International Journal of Criminology and Sociological Theory |
Jgate |
904 |
International Journal of Cuban Studies |
Jgate |
905 |
International Journal of Defense Acquisition Management |
Jgate |
906 |
International Journal of Digital Accounting Research |
Jgate |
907 |
International Journal of Digital Curation |
Jgate |
908 |
International Journal of Digital Evidence |
Jgate |
909 |
International Journal of Disability, Community & Rehabilitation |
Jgate |
910 |
International Journal of eBusiness and eGovernment Studies |
Jgate |
911 |
International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories |
Jgate |
912 |
International Journal of Economic Sciences and Applied Research |
Jgate |
913 |
International Journal of Economics and Administrative Studies |
Jgate |
914 |
International Journal of Economics and Business Modeling |
Jgate |
915 |
International Journal of Economics and Finance |
Jgate |
916 |
International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies |
Jgate |
917 |
International Journal of Economics and Research |
Jgate |
918 |
International Journal of Educational Administration and Policy Studies |
Jgate |
919 |
International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment |
Jgate |
920 |
International Journal of Educational Technology |
Jgate |
921 |
International Journal of Electrochemical Science |
Jgate |
922 |
International Journal of Electronic Business Management |
Jgate |
923 |
International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Society |
Jgate |
924 |
International Journal of Enterprise Computing and Business Systems |
Jgate |
925 |
International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies |
Jgate |
926 |
International Journal of Event Management Research |
Jgate |
927 |
International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring |
Jgate |
928 |
International Journal of Financial Research |
Jgate |
929 |
International Journal of Frontier Missions |
Jgate |
930 |
International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology |
Jgate |
931 |
International Journal of Government Auditing |
Jgate |
932 |
International Journal of Human Genetics |
Jgate |
933 |
International Journal of Human Resource Studies |
Jgate |
934 |
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science |
Jgate |
935 |
International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences |
Jgate |
936 |
International Journal of Humanity and Social Sciences |
Jgate |
937 |
International Journal of inclusive Democracy |
Jgate |
938 |
International Journal of Innovation |
Jgate |
939 |
International Journal of Integrative Psychotherapy |
Jgate |
940 |
International Journal of Intellectual Property: Law, Economy and Management |
Jgate |
941 |
International Journal of Knowledge and Research in Management and E- |
Jgate |
942 |
International Journal of Leadership Studies |
Jgate |
943 |
International Journal of Lean Thinking |
Jgate |
944 |
International Journal of Legal Information |
Jgate |
945 |
International Journal of Library and Information Science |
Jgate |
946 |
International Journal of Management & Business Studies |
Jgate |
947 |
International Journal of Management Education |
Jgate |
948 |
International Journal of Management Innovation Systems |
Jgate |
949 |
International Journal of Management Perspectives |
Jgate |
950 |
International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management |
Jgate |
951 |
International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chains |
Jgate |
952 |
International Journal of Managment, IT and Engineering |
Jgate |
953 |
International Journal of Marketing Studies |
Jgate |
954 |
International Journal of Mass Emergencies & Disasters |
Jgate |
955 |
International Journal of Microsimulation |
Jgate |
956 |
International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care |
Jgate |
957 |
International Journal of Modelling in Operations Management |
Jgate |
958 |
International Journal of Naval History |
Jgate |
959 |
International Journal of Not-for-Profit Law |
Jgate |
960 |
International Journal of Organisational Behaviour |
Jgate |
961 |
International Journal of Organizational Innovation |
Jgate |
962 |
International Journal of Peace and Development Studies |
Jgate |
963 |
International Journal of Peer to Peer Networks |
Jgate |
964 |
International Journal of Peptides |
Jgate |
965 |
International Journal of Population Research |
Jgate |
966 |
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation |
Jgate |
967 |
International Journal of Public Information Systems |
Jgate |
968 |
International Journal of Research and Review |
Jgate |
969 |
International Journal of Research in Commerce & Management |
Jgate |
970 |
International Journal of Research in Commerce, Economics & Management |
Jgate |
971 |
International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT & Management |
Jgate |
972 |
International Journal of Research in Social Sciences |
Jgate |
973 |
International Journal of Research Studies in Management |
Jgate |
974 |
International Journal of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation |
Jgate |
975 |
International Journal of Social Inquiry |
Jgate |
976 |
International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology |
Jgate |
977 |
International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food |
Jgate |
978 |
International Journal of South Asian Studies |
Jgate |
979 |
International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research |
Jgate |
980 |
International Journal of Special Libraries |
Jgate |
981 |
International Journal of Strategic Cost Management |
Jgate |
982 |
International Journal of the Commons |
Jgate |
983 |
International Journal of Transdisciplinary Research |
Jgate |
984 |
International Journal of u- and e- Service, Science and Technology |
Jgate |
985 |
International Journal of Vocational and Technical Education |
Jgate |
986 |
International Journal of Wellbeing |
Jgate |
987 |
International Journal of Yoga |
Jgate |
988 |
International Journal on Food System Dynamics |
Jgate |
989 |
International Journal on World Peace |
Jgate |
990 |
Iranian Journal of Management Studies |
Jgate |
991 |
Issues in Political Economy |
Jgate |
992 |
Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship |
Jgate |
993 |
Issues of Democracy |
Jgate |
994 |
IT & Society |
Jgate |
995 |
Italian Journal of Library and Information Science |
Jgate |
996 |
Italian Labour Law E-journal |
Jgate |
997 |
Items & Issues |
Jgate |
998 |
Ius et Praxis |
Jgate |
999 |
Ivey Business Journal |
Jgate |
1000 |
Jahr |
Jgate |
1001 |
Janus Head |
Jgate |
1002 |
Japan Labor Bulletin |
Jgate |
1003 |
Japan Labor Review |
Jgate |
1004 |
Japan Railway & Transport Review |
Jgate |
1005 |
Japanese Journal of Animal Psychology |
Jgate |
1006 |
Japanese Journal of Behaviormetrics |
Jgate |
1007 |
Japanese Journal of Experimental Social Psychology |
Jgate |
1008 |
Japanese Journal of Family Sociology |
Jgate |
1009 |
Japanese Journal of Personality |
Jgate |
1010 |
Japanese Journal of Population |
Jgate |
1011 |
Jazz Inside NY Magazine |
Jgate |
1012 |
Jebat:Malaysian Journal of History, Politics and Strategic Studies |
Jgate |
1013 |
Jerusalem Quarterly |
Jgate |
1014 |
Jewish Political Studies Review |
Jgate |
1015 |
Journal for Crime, Conflict and Media Culture |
Jgate |
1016 |
Journal for Critical Animal Studies |
Jgate |
1017 |
Journal for New Generation Sciences |
Jgate |
1018 |
Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology |
Jgate |
1019 |
Journal of / Studies |
Jgate |
1020 |
Journal of Academic and Business Ethics |
Jgate |
1021 |
Journal of Accountancy |
Jgate |
1022 |
Journal of Accounting and Taxation |
Jgate |
1023 |
Journal of Accounting, Taxation and Performance Evaluation |
Jgate |
1024 |
Journal of Administration & Governance |
Jgate |
1025 |
Journal of African Real Estate Research |
Jgate |
1026 |
Journal of African Studies and Development |
Jgate |
1027 |
Journal of Alternative Perspectives in the Social Sciences |
Jgate |
1028 |
Journal of Anthropology |
Jgate |
1029 |
Journal of Applied Economics |
Jgate |
1030 |
Journal of Applied Economics and Policy |
Jgate |
1031 |
Journal of Applied Finance and Banking |
Jgate |
1032 |
Journal of Archaeology in the Low Countries |
Jgate |
1033 |
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation |
Jgate |
1034 |
Journal of Asia Pacific Studies |
Jgate |
1035 |
Journal of Australian Political Economy |
Jgate |
1036 |
Journal of Authentic Learning |
Jgate |
1037 |
Journal of Backcountry Studies |
Jgate |
1038 |
Journal of Behavior Analysis of Offender and Victim - Treatment and |
Jgate |
1039 |
Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management |
Jgate |
1040 |
Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science |
Jgate |
1041 |
Journal of Behavioral Health & Medicine |
Jgate |
1042 |
Journal of Behavioral Studies in Business |
Jgate |
1043 |
Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis |
Jgate |
1044 |
Journal of Bhutan Studies |
Jgate |
1045 |
Journal of Biblical Perspectives in Leadership |
Jgate |
1046 |
Journal of Biblical Studies |
Jgate |
1047 |
Journal of Biomedical Science |
Jgate |
1048 |
Journal of Black Sea Studies |
Jgate |
1049 |
Journal of Buddhist Ethics |
Jgate |
1050 |
Journal of Business & Economics Research |
Jgate |
1051 |
Journal of Business Administration |
Jgate |
1052 |
Journal of Business and Administrative Studies |
Jgate |
1053 |
Journal of Business and Management |
Jgate |
1054 |
Journal of Business and Public Affairs |
Jgate |
1055 |
Journal of Business and Public Policy |
Jgate |
1056 |
Journal of Business Case Studies |
Jgate |
1057 |
Journal of Business Cases and Applications |
Jgate |
1058 |
Journal of Business Chemistry |
Jgate |
1059 |
Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies |
Jgate |
1060 |
Journal of Business in Developing Nations |
Jgate |
1061 |
Journal of Business Inquiry: Research, Education, and Application |
Jgate |
1062 |
Journal of Business Research |
Jgate |
1063 |
Journal of Business Studies Quarterly |
Jgate |
1064 |
Journal of Business Systems, Governance and Ethics |
Jgate |
1065 |
Journal of Business, Finance and Economics in Emerging Economies |
Jgate |
1066 |
Journal of Caribbean Archaeology |
Jgate |
1067 |
Journal of Case Research in Business and Economics |
Jgate |
1068 |
Journal of Cognitive Affective Learning |
Jgate |
1069 |
Journal of Commerce |
Jgate |
1070 |
Journal of Communication Studies |
Jgate |
1071 |
Journal of Competitive Intelligence and Management |
Jgate |
1072 |
Journal of Competitiveness |
Jgate |
1073 |
Journal of Conflictology |
Jgate |
1074 |
Journal of Contemporary Anthropology |
Jgate |
1075 |
Journal of Contemporary European Research |
Jgate |
1076 |
Journal of Credibility Assessment and Witness Psychology |
Jgate |
1077 |
Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture |
Jgate |
1078 |
Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology |
Jgate |
1079 |
Journal of Criminal Psychology |
Jgate |
1080 |
Journal of Critical Globalisation Studies |
Jgate |
1081 |
Journal of Current Chinese Affairs |
Jgate |
1082 |
Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs |
Jgate |
1083 |
Journal of Defense Resources Management |
Jgate |
1084 |
Journal of Dissertation |
Jgate |
1085 |
Journal of Diversity Management |
Jgate |
1086 |
Journal of Economic and Social Policy |
Jgate |
1087 |
Journal of Economic and Social Research |
Jgate |
1088 |
Journal of Economic Development |
Jgate |
1089 |
Journal of Economics and Engineering |
Jgate |
1090 |
Journal of Economics and Finance Education |
Jgate |
1091 |
Journal of Economics and International Finance |
Jgate |
1092 |
Journal of Education for International Development |
Jgate |
1093 |
Journal of Educational and Psychological Sciences |
Jgate |
1094 |
Journal of E-Government Studies and Best Practices |
Jgate |
1095 |
Journal of Electronic Commerce Research |
Jgate |
1096 |
Journal of Emerging Knowledge on Emerging Markets |
Jgate |
1097 |
Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences |
Jgate |
1098 |
Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies |
Jgate |
1099 |
Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science |
Jgate |
1100 |
Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy |
Jgate |
1101 |
Journal of Ethics in Mental Health |
Jgate |
1102 |
Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics |
Jgate |
1103 |
Journal of Eurasian Studies |
Jgate |
1104 |
Journal of European Psychology Students |
Jgate |
1105 |
Journal of Finance and Accountancy |
Jgate |
1106 |
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning |
Jgate |
1107 |
Journal of Financial Planning |
Jgate |
1108 |
Journal of Geography and Regional Planning |
Jgate |
1109 |
Journal of Global Analysis |
Jgate |
1110 |
Journal of Global Mass Communication |
Jgate |
1111 |
Journal of Global Social Work Practice |
Jgate |
1112 |
Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement |
Jgate |
1113 |
Journal of Home Economics of Japan |
Jgate |
1114 |
Journal of Humanitarian Assistance |
Jgate |
1115 |
Journal of Identity and Migration Studies |
Jgate |
1116 |
Journal of Ideology |
Jgate |
1117 |
Journal of Indonesian Social Sciences and Humanities |
Jgate |
1118 |
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management |
Jgate |
1119 |
Journal of Industrial Technology |
Jgate |
1120 |
Journal of Infection in Developing Countries |
Jgate |
1121 |
Journal of Information, Law & Technology |
Jgate |
1122 |
Journal of Intellectual Property |
Jgate |
1123 |
Journal of Intellectual Property Rights |
Jgate |
1124 |
Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and E-Commerce Law |
Jgate |
1125 |
Journal of Interactive Advertising |
Jgate |
1126 |
Journal of Interdisciplinary Feminist |
Jgate |
1127 |
Journal of International and Comparative Law |
Jgate |
1128 |
Journal of International Business and Cultural Studies |
Jgate |
1129 |
Journal of International Business and Economy |
Jgate |
1130 |
Journal of International Business Disciplines |
Jgate |
1131 |
Journal of International Commerce and Economics |
Jgate |
1132 |
Journal of International Commerce, Economics and Policy |
Jgate |
1133 |
Journal of International Commercial Law |
Jgate |
1134 |
Journal of International Commercial Law and Technology |
Jgate |
1135 |
Journal of International Education in Business |
Jgate |
1136 |
Journal of International Human Rights |
Jgate |
1137 |
Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies |
Jgate |
1138 |
Journal of International Research Publications : Economy & Business |
Jgate |
1139 |
Journal of International Social Research |
Jgate |
1140 |
Journal of International Women's Studies |
Jgate |
1141 |
Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce |
Jgate |
1142 |
Journal of Islamic State Practices in International Law |
Jgate |
1143 |
Journal of Japan Association for Performance Excellence Online |
Jgate |
1144 |
Journal of Japan Management Diagnosis Association |
Jgate |
1145 |
Journal of Knowledge Management Practice |
Jgate |
1146 |
Journal of Knowledge Management, Economics and Information Technology |
Jgate |
1147 |
Journal of Land Use & Environmental Law |
Jgate |
1148 |
Journal of Lao Studies |
Jgate |
1149 |
Journal of Law & Health |
Jgate |
1150 |
Journal of Law and Conflict Resolution |
Jgate |
1151 |
Journal of Law and Family Studies |
Jgate |
1152 |
Journal of Law and Policy |
Jgate |
1153 |
Journal of Law, Ethics and Intellectual Property |
Jgate |
1154 |
Journal of Learning Disabilities and Offending Behaviour |
Jgate |
1155 |
Journal of Legal Analysis |
Jgate |
1156 |
Journal of Legal Issues and Cases in Business |
Jgate |
1157 |
Journal of Library & Information Studies |
Jgate |
1158 |
Journal of Library and Information Science |
Jgate |
1159 |
Journal of Library Innovation |
Jgate |
1160 |
Journal of Logging & Sawmills: TimberWest |
Jgate |
1161 |
Journal of Management and Economics |
Jgate |
1162 |
Journal of Management and Marketing Research |
Jgate |
1163 |
Journal of Management and Public Policy |
Jgate |
1164 |
Journal of Management and Social Sciences |
Jgate |
1165 |
Journal of Management and Strategy |
Jgate |
1166 |
Journal of Management Practice |
Jgate |
1167 |
Journal of Management Research |
Jgate |
1168 |
Journal of Managerial Sciences |
Jgate |
1169 |
Journal of Mathematical Finance |
Jgate |
1170 |
Journal of Media Law & Ethics |
Jgate |
1171 |
Journal of Media Sociology |
Jgate |
1172 |
Journal of Medical Sciences |
Jgate |
1173 |
Journal of Medicine and Rehabilitation |
Jgate |
1174 |
Journal of Military and Strategic Studies |
Jgate |
1175 |
Journal of Modern Turkish Studies |
Jgate |
1176 |
Journal of Money, Investment and Banking |
Jgate |
1177 |
Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation |
Jgate |
1178 |
Journal of Mundane Behavior |
Jgate |
1179 |
Journal of Nepalese Business Studies |
Jgate |
1180 |
Journal of New Media & Culture |
Jgate |
1181 |
Journal of Pan African Studies |
Jgate |
1182 |
Journal of Pastoral Counseling |
Jgate |
1183 |
Journal of Peacebuilding & Development |
Jgate |
1184 |
Journal of Philosophy, Science & Law |
Jgate |
1185 |
Journal of Political Ecology |
Jgate |
1186 |
Journal of Politics and Law |
Jgate |
1187 |
Journal of Politics in Latin America |
Jgate |
1188 |
Journal of Population Research |
Jgate |
1189 |
Journal of Project, Program & Portfolio Management |
Jgate |
1190 |
Journal of Public Administration and Governance |
Jgate |
1191 |
Journal of Public Administration and Policy Research |
Jgate |
1192 |
Journal of Public Affairs Education |
Jgate |
1193 |
Journal of Public and International Affairs |
Jgate |
1194 |
Journal of Public Policy Administration and Law |
Jgate |
1195 |
Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management |
Jgate |
1196 |
Journal of Real Estate Research |
Jgate |
1197 |
Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development |
Jgate |
1198 |
Journal of Research for Consumers |
Jgate |
1199 |
Journal of Research in International Business and Management |
Jgate |
1200 |
Journal of Research in Rural Education |
Jgate |
1201 |
Journal of Rural and Tropical Public Health |
Jgate |
1202 |
Journal of Rural Community Psychology |
Jgate |
1203 |
Journal of Rural Development/Nongchon-Gyeongje |
Jgate |
1204 |
Journal of Rural Planning Association |
Jgate |
1205 |
Journal of Science & Technology Law |
Jgate |
1206 |
Journal of Science Communication |
Jgate |
1207 |
Journal of Security Sector Management |
Jgate |
1208 |
Journal of Service Science and Management |
Jgate |
1209 |
Journal of Social and Development Sciences |
Jgate |
1210 |
Journal of Social Inclusion |
Jgate |
1211 |
Journal of Social Research & Policy |
Jgate |
1212 |
Journal of Social Science |
Jgate |
1213 |
Journal of Social Sciences |
Jgate |
1214 |
Journal of Social Sciences |
Jgate |
1215 |
Journal of Social Structure |
Jgate |
1216 |
Journal of Social Work Theory & Practice |
Jgate |
1217 |
Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics |
Jgate |
1218 |
Journal of South Pacific Law |
Jgate |
1219 |
Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation |
Jgate |
1220 |
Journal of Speech - Language Pathology and Applied Behavior Analysis |
Jgate |
1221 |
Journal of Strategic Security |
Jgate |
1222 |
Journal of Student Financial Aid |
Jgate |
1223 |
Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa |
Jgate |
1224 |
Journal of Technology Management & Innovation |
Jgate |
1225 |
Journal of Technology Studies |
Jgate |
1226 |
Journal of Textual Reasoning |
Jgate |
1227 |
Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford |
Jgate |
1228 |
Journal of the Association of Legal Writing Directors |
Jgate |
1229 |
Journal of the Australasian Tax Teachers Association |
Jgate |
1230 |
Journal of the Australian War Memorial |
Jgate |
1231 |
Journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association |
Jgate |
1232 |
Journal of the Center for Families, Children & the Courts |
Jgate |
1233 |
Journal of the European Association for Health Information and Libraries |
Jgate |
1234 |
Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior |
Jgate |
1235 |
Journal of the Institute of Justice & International Studies |
Jgate |
1236 |
Journal of the Japan Society for Intellectual Production |
Jgate |
1237 |
Journal of the Law Society of Scotland |
Jgate |
1238 |
Journal of the Medical Library Association |
Jgate |
1239 |
Journal of the Missouri Bar |
Jgate |
1240 |
Journal of the Northern Renaissance |
Jgate |
1241 |
Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research |
Jgate |
1242 |
Journal of the Textile Association |
Jgate |
1243 |
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research |
Jgate |
1244 |
Journal of Tort Law |
Jgate |
1245 |
Journal of Transnational American Studies |
Jgate |
1246 |
Journal of Transnational Law & Policy |
Jgate |
1247 |
Journal of Transportation and Statistics |
Jgate |
1248 |
Journal of University Librarians Association of Sri Lanka |
Jgate |
1249 |
Journal of World-Systems Research |
Jgate |
1250 |
Journal of Yasar University |
Jgate |
1251 |
Journal on Chain and Network Science |
Jgate |
1252 |
Journal on Developmental Disabilities |
Jgate |
1253 |
Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science |
Jgate |
1254 |
Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe |
Jgate |
1255 |
Journal on Legislation |
Jgate |
1256 |
Journal on Satisfiability, Boolean Modeling and Computation |
Jgate |
1257 |
Jouvert |
Jgate |
1258 |
JURA :Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis |
Jgate |
1259 |
Juridica International |
Jgate |
1260 |
Jury Expert |
Jgate |
1261 |
Just Labour: A Canadian Journal of Work and Society |
Jgate |
1262 |
Justice Policy Journal |
Jgate |
1263 |
Kajian Malaysia |
Jgate |
1264 |
Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy |
Jgate |
1265 |
Kasarinlan: Philippine Journal of Third World Studies |
Jgate |
1266 |
KASBIT Business Journal |
Jgate |
1267 |
KB Journal |
Jgate |
1268 |
KEDI Journal of Educational Policy |
Jgate |
1269 |
Kino:The Western Undergraduate Journal of Film Studies |
Jgate |
1270 |
Kitchen & Bath Design News |
Jgate |
1271 |
Knowledge Ecology Studies |
Jgate |
1272 |
Knowledge Politics Quarterly |
Jgate |
1273 |
Konturen |
Jgate |
1274 |
Korea Focus |
Jgate |
1275 |
Kôtuitui : New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online |
Jgate |
1276 |
Kyiv-Mohyla Journal |
Jgate |
1277 |
Kyoto Economic Review |
Jgate |
1278 |
La Revue LISA |
Jgate |
1279 |
Labour File |
Jgate |
1280 |
Lahore Journal of Economics |
Jgate |
1281 |
Land Bank Journal |
Jgate |
1282 |
Language in India |
Jgate |
1283 |
Larnet:The Cyber Journal of Applied Leisure and Recreation Research |
Jgate |
1284 |
Latin Trade |
Jgate |
1285 |
Law and Contemporary Problems |
Jgate |
1286 |
Law Firm Inc. |
Jgate |
1287 |
Law Library Journal |
Jgate |
1288 |
Law Practice Today |
Jgate |
1289 |
Law Times |
Jgate |
1290 |
Law, Democracy & Development |
Jgate |
1291 |
Law, Environment and Development Journal |
Jgate |
1292 |
Law, Social Justice & Global Development |
Jgate |
1293 |
Lawyer |
Jgate |
1294 |
LBJ Journal of Public Affairs |
Jgate |
1295 |
Lecturas de Economía |
Jgate |
1296 |
Ledger |
Jgate |
1297 |
LEISA Magazine |
Jgate |
1298 |
Lewis & Clark Law Review |
Jgate |
1299 |
Lex Et Scientia |
Jgate |
1300 |
LIBER Quarterly |
Jgate |
1301 |
Library Journal |
Jgate |
1302 |
Library Leadership & Management |
Jgate |
1303 |
Library of Congress Information Bulletin |
Jgate |
1304 |
Library Philosophy and Practice |
Jgate |
1305 |
Library Student Journal |
Jgate |
1306 |
Libres |
Jgate |
1307 |
License |
Jgate |
1308 |
Life Span and Disability |
Jgate |
1309 |
Limes |
Jgate |
1310 |
Lines |
Jgate |
1311 |
Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review |
Jgate |
1312 |
Living Reviews in Democracy |
Jgate |
1313 |
Living Reviews in European Governance |
Jgate |
1314 |
Lodging Hospitality |
Jgate |
1315 |
Logging and Sawmilling Journal |
Jgate |
1316 |
Logistics Journal |
Jgate |
1317 |
Long-Term Living |
Jgate |
1318 |
Lore: Rhetoric, Writing, Culture |
Jgate |
1319 |
Loyola Consumer Law Review |
Jgate |
1320 |
Loyola of Los Angeles Entertainment Law Review |
Jgate |
1321 |
Loyola University Chicago Law Journal |
Jgate |
1322 |
Lua Nova - Revista de Cultura e Política |
Jgate |
1323 |
Lumina |
Jgate |
1324 |
M & J Retail |
Jgate |
1325 |
M/C: A Journal of Media and Culture |
Jgate |
1326 |
M@n@gement |
Jgate |
1327 |
Macquarie Journal of Business Law |
Jgate |
1328 |
Macquarie Journal of International and Comparative Environmental Law |
Jgate |
1329 |
Madras Law Journal |
Jgate |
1330 |
Magallania |
Jgate |
1331 |
Maine Community Banker |
Jgate |
1332 |
Mana |
Jgate |
1333 |
Management & Marketing |
Jgate |
1334 |
Management & Marketing |
Jgate |
1335 |
Management Accountant |
Jgate |
1336 |
Management Focus |
Jgate |
1337 |
Management Reseach and Practice |
Jgate |
1338 |
Management Science and Engineering |
Jgate |
1339 |
Management Science Letters |
Jgate |
1340 |
Management Services |
Jgate |
1341 |
Management, Procurement and Law |
Jgate |
1342 |
Management: Journal of Contemporary Management Issues |
Jgate |
1343 |
Managing Automation |
Jgate |
1344 |
Managing Global Transitions: International Research Journal |
Jgate |
1345 |
Manufacturing Business Technology |
Jgate |
1346 |
Market Forces |
Jgate |
1347 |
Marketing Bulletin |
Jgate |
1348 |
Marketing Week |
Jgate |
1349 |
Marketwise Magazine |
Jgate |
1350 |
Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review |
Jgate |
1351 |
Marquette Law Review |
Jgate |
1352 |
Maryland Banker |
Jgate |
1353 |
Maryland Law Review |
Jgate |
1354 |
Mass High Tech |
Jgate |
1355 |
Mass Transit |
Jgate |
1356 |
Massachusetts Banker |
Jgate |
1357 |
MassBuilder |
Jgate |
1358 |
Material Handling Management |
Jgate |
1359 |
MC Journal: The Journal of Academic Media Librarianship |
Jgate |
1360 |
McKinsey Quarterly |
Jgate |
1361 |
MediaTropes |
Jgate |
1362 |
Medica Jadertina |
Jgate |
1363 |
Medical Economics |
Jgate |
1364 |
Medical Marketing & Media |
Jgate |
1365 |
Medical Post |
Jgate |
1366 |
MedieKultur |
Jgate |
1367 |
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences |
Jgate |
1368 |
Megatrend Review |
Jgate |
1369 |
Melbourne Journal of International Law |
Jgate |
1370 |
Memoirs of Museum Victoria |
Jgate |
1371 |
Memphis Business Journal |
Jgate |
1372 |
Mentor: An Academic Advising Journal |
Jgate |
1373 |
Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy |
Jgate |
1374 |
Metal Center News |
Jgate |
1375 |
Metal Industry Indicators |
Jgate |
1376 |
Methodological Innovations Online |
Jgate |
1377 |
Methodology |
Jgate |
1378 |
Michigan Discussions in Anthropology |
Jgate |
1379 |
Michigan Family Review |
Jgate |
1380 |
Michigan Journal of Business |
Jgate |
1381 |
Michigan Journal of Political Science |
Jgate |
1382 |
Michigan Telecommunications and Technology Law Review |
Jgate |
1383 |
Micronesian Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences |
Jgate |
1384 |
Mid-America Commerce & Industry |
Jgate |
1385 |
Middle Eastern Finance and Economics |
Jgate |
1386 |
Military Law Review |
Jgate |
1387 |
Military Review |
Jgate |
1388 |
Mind & Brain, The Journal of Psychiatry |
Jgate |
1389 |
Mind, Brain, and Education |
Jgate |
1390 |
Minnesota Law Review |
Jgate |
1391 |
Minnesota Technology Magazine |
Jgate |
1392 |
Missouri Law Review |
Jgate |
1393 |
Mizan Law Review |
Jgate |
1394 |
MLA Forum |
Jgate |
1395 |
Modern Age |
Jgate |
1396 |
Modern Bulk Transporter |
Jgate |
1397 |
Modern Economy |
Jgate |
1398 |
Modern Economy Magazine |
Jgate |
1399 |
Modern Management |
Jgate |
1400 |
Modern Marketing |
Jgate |
1401 |
Modern Rehabilitation |
Jgate |
1402 |
Mokslo Taikomieji Tyrimai Lietuvos Kolegijose |
Jgate |
1403 |
Money |
Jgate |
1404 |
Money and Finance |
Jgate |
1405 |
MoneySense |
Jgate |
1406 |
Montana Lawyer |
Jgate |
1407 |
Monthly Labor Review Online |
Jgate |
1408 |
Morning Watch |
Jgate |
1409 |
Mots Pluriels |
Jgate |
1410 |
MountainRise |
Jgate |
1411 |
Multichannel Merchant |
Jgate |
1412 |
Multichannel News |
Jgate |
1413 |
Multinational Finance Journal |
Jgate |
1414 |
Multinational Monitor |
Jgate |
1415 |
Museum and Society |
Jgate |
1416 |
Music & Politics |
Jgate |
1417 |
MX: Business Strategies for Medical Technology Executives |
Jgate |
1418 |
NACS Magazine |
Jgate |
1419 |
Namma Janapadaru |
Jgate |
1420 |
National Black Law Journal |
Jgate |
1421 |
National Cross Talk |
Jgate |
1422 |
National Defense |
Jgate |
1423 |
National Institute of Justice Journal |
Jgate |
1424 |
National Interest |
Jgate |
1425 |
National Library of Australia Gateways |
Jgate |
1426 |
National Real Estate Investor |
Jgate |
1427 |
NATO Review |
Jgate |
1428 |
Naval History |
Jgate |
1429 |
NEA Today |
Jgate |
1430 |
Nebraska Lawyer |
Jgate |
1431 |
Nebula |
Jgate |
1432 |
NeoAmericanist |
Jgate |
1433 |
Neurology, Neurophysiology and Neuroscience |
Jgate |
1434 |
New Balkan Politics |
Jgate |
1435 |
New England Economic Indicators |
Jgate |
1436 |
New England Economic Review |
Jgate |
1437 |
New Hampshire Bar Journal |
Jgate |
1438 |
New Jersey Banker |
Jgate |
1439 |
New Jersey CPA |
Jgate |
1440 |
New Jersey History |
Jgate |
1441 |
New Knowledge Environments |
Jgate |
1442 |
New Leader |
Jgate |
1443 |
New Life Journal |
Jgate |
1444 |
New Perspectives On Political Economy |
Jgate |
1445 |
New Proposals: Journal of Marxism and Interdisciplinary Inquiry |
Jgate |
1446 |
New Voices in Public Policy |
Jgate |
1447 |
New York Economic Review |
Jgate |
1448 |
New York University Annual Survey of American Law |
Jgate |
1449 |
New York University Environmental Law Journal |
Jgate |
1450 |
New York University Journal of Legislation and Public Policy |
Jgate |
1451 |
New York University Law Review |
Jgate |
1452 |
New Zealand Management |
Jgate |
1453 |
New Zealand Sociology |
Jgate |
1454 |
Nineteenth-Century Gender |
Jgate |
1455 |
NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy |
Jgate |
1456 |
NLA: Nebraska Library Association Quarterly |
Jgate |
1457 |
No Foundations:Journal of Extreme Legal Positivism |
Jgate |
1458 |
Nonprofit Review |
Jgate |
1459 |
Nordic Journal of African Studies |
Jgate |
1460 |
Nordic Journal of Commercial Law |
Jgate |
1461 |
Nordic Notes |
Jgate |
1462 |
Nordicom Review |
Jgate |
1463 |
Nordicum-Mediterraneum |
Jgate |
1464 |
North American Actuarial Journal |
Jgate |
1465 |
North American Dialogue |
Jgate |
1466 |
North American Journal of Finance and Banking Research |
Jgate |
1467 |
North Carolina Journal of Law & Technology |
Jgate |
1468 |
North Carolina Law Review |
Jgate |
1469 |
North Carolina Libraries Online |
Jgate |
1470 |
North Dakota Law Review |
Jgate |
1471 |
North Star |
Jgate |
1472 |
Northwestern Journal of Law and Social Policy |
Jgate |
1473 |
Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property |
Jgate |
1474 |
Northwestern University Law Review |
Jgate |
1475 |
Nova Economia |
Jgate |
1476 |
NUJS Law Review |
Jgate |
1477 |
NYU Journal of Law And Business |
Jgate |
1478 |
Observar |
Jgate |
1479 |
Observatorio |
Jgate |
1480 |
OC Metro Business |
Jgate |
1481 |
Occasion |
Jgate |
1482 |
Occasional Papers in Sociology and Anthropology |
Jgate |
1483 |
Occupational Outlook Quarterly |
Jgate |
1484 |
Oeconomics of Knowledge |
Jgate |
1485 |
OEM Off-Highway |
Jgate |
1486 |
Official Journal of the European Patent Office |
Jgate |
1487 |
Ohio History |
Jgate |
1488 |
Ohio State Law Journal |
Jgate |
1489 |
Oklahoma Bar Journal |
Jgate |
1490 |
Oklahoma Law Review |
Jgate |
1491 |
Olsztyn Economic Journal |
Jgate |
1492 |
OnEarth |
Jgate |
1493 |
Online Journal of Ethics |
Jgate |
1494 |
Online Journal of International Case Analysis |
Jgate |
1495 |
Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution |
Jgate |
1496 |
Online Journalism Review |
Jgate |
1497 |
Opcion |
Jgate |
1498 |
Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology |
Jgate |
1499 |
Open and Libraries Class Journal |
Jgate |
1500 |
Open Anthropology Journal |
Jgate |
1501 |
Open Area Studies Journal |
Jgate |
1502 |
Open Behavioral Science Journal |
Jgate |
1503 |
Open Business Journal |
Jgate |
1504 |
Open Communication Journal |
Jgate |
1505 |
Open Criminology Journal |
Jgate |
1506 |
Open Demography Journal |
Jgate |
1507 |
Open Economics Journal |
Jgate |
1508 |
Open Environmental Pollution & Toxicology Journal |
Jgate |
1509 |
Open Family Studies Journal |
Jgate |
1510 |
Open Government |
Jgate |
1511 |
Open Information Science Journal |
Jgate |
1512 |
Open Law Journal |
Jgate |
1513 |
Open Management Journal |
Jgate |
1514 |
Open Materials Science Journal |
Jgate |
1515 |
Open Ocean Engineering Journal |
Jgate |
1516 |
Open Operational Research Journal |
Jgate |
1517 |
Open Political Science Journal |
Jgate |
1518 |
Open Rehabilitation Journal |
Jgate |
1519 |
Open Social Science Journal |
Jgate |
1520 |
Open Sociology Journal |
Jgate |
1521 |
Open Sports Sciences Journal |
Jgate |
1522 |
Open Transportation Journal |
Jgate |
1523 |
Open Urban Studies Journal |
Jgate |
1524 |
Operations & Fulfillment |
Jgate |
1525 |
Ophthalmology Management |
Jgate |
1526 |
Opiniao Publica |
Jgate |
1527 |
Opolis: An International Journal of Suburban and Metropolitan Studies |
Jgate |
1528 |
Optimum Online |
Jgate |
1529 |
Options Magazine |
Jgate |
1530 |
Oregon Business |
Jgate |
1531 |
Oregon Law Review |
Jgate |
1532 |
Organizacija |
Jgate |
1533 |
Organization and Management |
Jgate |
1534 |
Organizational Psychology Review |
Jgate |
1535 |
Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies |
Jgate |
1536 |
ORMS Today |
Jgate |
1537 |
Outlines;Critical Practice Studies |
Jgate |
1538 |
Outlook |
Jgate |
1539 |
Outlook Money |
Jgate |
1540 |
Ozean Journal of Applied Sciences |
Jgate |
1541 |
Ozean Journal of Social Science |
Jgate |
1542 |
P.O.V: A Danish Journal of Film Sudies |
Jgate |
1543 |
Package Design Magazine |
Jgate |
1544 |
Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences |
Jgate |
1545 |
Pakistan Journal of Library and Information Science |
Jgate |
1546 |
Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences |
Jgate |
1547 |
Pakistaniaat: A Journal of Pakistan Studies |
Jgate |
1548 |
Palabra Clave |
Jgate |
1549 |
Palaestra |
Jgate |
1550 |
PaleoAnthropology Journal |
Jgate |
1551 |
Pamukkale Journal of Sport Sciences |
Jgate |
1552 |
Panoeconomicus |
Jgate |
1553 |
Panorama Socioeconomico |
Jgate |
1554 |
Pantaneto Forum |
Jgate |
1555 |
Papel Politico |
Jgate |
1556 |
Papeles del Este: Transiciones Poscomunistas |
Jgate |
1557 |
Papers From The Institute Of Archaeology |
Jgate |
1558 |
Papers on Social Representations |
Jgate |
1559 |
Parameters |
Jgate |
1560 |
Participations |
Jgate |
1561 |
Partners in Community and Economic Development |
Jgate |
1562 |
Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and |
Jgate |
1563 |
Pastoralism |
Jgate |
1564 |
Pathhead Review |
Jgate |
1565 |
Pavement Magazine |
Jgate |
1566 |
Peace and Conflict Review |
Jgate |
1567 |
Peace and Conflict Studies |
Jgate |
1568 |
Peace Magazine |
Jgate |
1569 |
Peace, Conflict and Development |
Jgate |
1570 |
Pennsylvania CPA Journal |
Jgate |
1571 |
People |
Jgate |
1572 |
People and Place |
Jgate |
1573 |
Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences |
Jgate |
1574 |
Perspectivas: Revista de Ciências Sociais |
Jgate |
1575 |
Perspective |
Jgate |
1576 |
Perspectives |
Jgate |
1577 |
Perspectives in International Librarianship |
Jgate |
1578 |
Perspectives in Public Affairs |
Jgate |
1579 |
Perspectives of Innovations, Economics and Business |
Jgate |
1580 |
Perspectives on Labour and Income |
Jgate |
1581 |
Perspectives on Social Work |
Jgate |
1582 |
Perspectives on Urban Education |
Jgate |
1583 |
Pertanika Journal of Social Science & Humanities |
Jgate |
1584 |
Pesquisa Operacional |
Jgate |
1585 |
Pharmaceutical Executive |
Jgate |
1586 |
Philippine Journal of Development |
Jgate |
1587 |
Philologia |
Jgate |
1588 |
Philosophy and Public Policy Quarterly |
Jgate |
1589 |
Picturing Justice |
Jgate |
1590 |
Plagiary |
Jgate |
1591 |
Plants Sites & Parks |
Jgate |
1592 |
Platform: Journal of Media and Communication |
Jgate |
1593 |
Platinum Metals Review |
Jgate |
1594 |
Plumbing and Mechanical |
Jgate |
1595 |
Polemos: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research on War and Peace |
Jgate |
1596 |
Police Chief |
Jgate |
1597 |
Police Fleet Manager |
Jgate |
1598 |
Policy Perspectives |
Jgate |
1599 |
Policy Review |
Jgate |
1600 |
Polish Psychological Bulletin |
Jgate |
1601 |
Política & Sociedade: Revista de Sociologia Política |
Jgate |
1602 |
Political Science Reviewer |
Jgate |
1603 |
Politièka misao: Croatian Political Science Review |
Jgate |
1604 |
Politikon |
Jgate |
1605 |
Population Health Metrics |
Jgate |
1606 |
Population Reports |
Jgate |
1607 |
Population Trends |
Jgate |
1608 |
Poroi |
Jgate |
1609 |
Portal Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies |
Jgate |
1610 |
Postmedieval: a Journal of Medieval Cultural Studies |
Jgate |
1611 |
Practical Accountant |
Jgate |
1612 |
Practice Reflexions |
Jgate |
1613 |
Present Pasts |
Jgate |
1614 |
Print & Publishing |
Jgate |
1615 |
Prison Service Journal |
Jgate |
1616 |
Private Label |
Jgate |
1617 |
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences |
Jgate |
1618 |
Proceedings of Rijeka Faculty of Economics: Journal of Economics and |
Jgate |
1619 |
Proceedings of the U S Naval Institute |
Jgate |
1620 |
Product: Management & Develop-ment |
Jgate |
1621 |
Professional Contractor |
Jgate |
1622 |
Professional Door Dealer |
Jgate |
1623 |
Professional Manager Magazine |
Jgate |
1624 |
Professional Wealth Management |
Jgate |
1625 |
Professionalization of Exercise Physiology |
Jgate |
1626 |
Promo |
Jgate |
1627 |
Provincial China |
Jgate |
1628 |
Psic - Revista de Psicologia da Vetor Editora |
Jgate |
1629 |
Psicologia & Sociedade |
Jgate |
1630 |
Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa |
Jgate |
1631 |
PSRP Reporter |
Jgate |
1632 |
PsyArt |
Jgate |
1633 |
Psyche: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Consciousness |
Jgate |
1634 |
PsychNology Journal |
Jgate |
1635 |
Psychology & Society |
Jgate |
1636 |
Psychology in Society |
Jgate |
1637 |
Psychology in Spain |
Jgate |
1638 |
Psychology of Language and Communication |
Jgate |
1639 |
Psychology Study |
Jgate |
1640 |
Psychosocial Intervention |
Jgate |
1641 |
Public Administration and Management |
Jgate |
1642 |
Public Administration Magazine |
Jgate |
1643 |
Public Employee Advocate |
Jgate |
1644 |
Public Employee Quarterly |
Jgate |
1645 |
Public Interest Law Journal |
Jgate |
1646 |
Public Knowledge |
Jgate |
1647 |
Public Relations Journal |
Jgate |
1648 |
Public Relations Strategist |
Jgate |
1649 |
Public Roads Magazine |
Jgate |
1650 |
Public Space |
Jgate |
1651 |
Public Venue Security |
Jgate |
1652 |
Public Works Online |
Jgate |
1653 |
Pulse of Capitalism |
Jgate |
1654 |
Qualitative Report |
Jgate |
1655 |
Qualitative Sociology Review |
Jgate |
1656 |
Qualitative Studies |
Jgate |
1657 |
Quality in Manufacturing |
Jgate |
1658 |
Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis in Social Sciences |
Jgate |
1659 |
Quantitative Economics |
Jgate |
1660 |
Quarterly Review: Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis |
Jgate |
1661 |
Queensland University of Technology Law and Justice Journal |
Jgate |
1662 |
Radical Psychology |
Jgate |
1663 |
RAE-eletronica |
Jgate |
1664 |
RAE-Revista de Administração de Empresas |
Jgate |
1665 |
Rand Review |
Jgate |
1666 |
Real Estate Issues |
Jgate |
1667 |
Reason Online |
Jgate |
1668 |
reCollections |
Jgate |
1669 |
Reconstruction |
Jgate |
1670 |
Refuge |
Jgate |
1671 |
Regent Global Business Review |
Jgate |
1672 |
Region |
Jgate |
1673 |
Region focus |
Jgate |
1674 |
Regional Economist |
Jgate |
1675 |
Regional Review |
Jgate |
1676 |
Registered Representative |
Jgate |
1677 |
Regulation |
Jgate |
1678 |
Rehab Management |
Jgate |
1679 |
Rehabilitation Process and Outcome |
Jgate |
1680 |
Religião e Sociedade |
Jgate |
1681 |
Religious Conference Manager |
Jgate |
1682 |
Rental Equipment Register |
Jgate |
1683 |
Rental Product News |
Jgate |
1684 |
Res Cogitans - Journal of Philosophy |
Jgate |
1685 |
Res Manageria |
Jgate |
1686 |
Research and Practice in Human Resource Management |
Jgate |
1687 |
Research and Practice in Social Sciences |
Jgate |
1688 |
Research in Applied Economics |
Jgate |
1689 |
Research in Business and Economics Journal |
Jgate |
1690 |
Research in Higher Education Journal |
Jgate |
1691 |
Research in World Economy |
Jgate |
1692 |
Research Journal of Agronomy |
Jgate |
1693 |
Research Journal of Business Management |
Jgate |
1694 |
Research Journal of International Studies |
Jgate |
1695 |
Research Journal of Poultry Sciences |
Jgate |
1696 |
Research Journal of Social Science & Management |
Jgate |
1697 |
Research Journal of Social Sciences |
Jgate |
1698 |
Research Letters in Communications |
Jgate |
1699 |
Research Magazine |
Jgate |
1700 |
Research Review |
Jgate |
1701 |
Researchers World - Journal of Arts Science & Commerce |
Jgate |
1702 |
Reserve Bank of India Bulletin |
Jgate |
1703 |
Reserve Bank of India Bulletin: Weekly Statistical Supplement |
Jgate |
1704 |
Residential Architect Online |
Jgate |
1705 |
Resistance Studies Magazine |
Jgate |
1706 |
Response |
Jgate |
1707 |
Restaurant Hospitality |
Jgate |
1708 |
Retail Traffic |
Jgate |
1709 |
Revenue Law Journal |
Jgate |
1710 |
Review of Administration and Innovation |
Jgate |
1711 |
Review of Banking & Financial Law |
Jgate |
1712 |
Review of Business and Finance Case Studies |
Jgate |
1713 |
Review of Development Finance |
Jgate |
1714 |
Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal |
Jgate |
1715 |
Review of Economic and Business Studies |
Jgate |
1716 |
Review of Economic Conditions in Italy |
Jgate |
1717 |
Review of Economic Perspectives |
Jgate |
1718 |
Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues |
Jgate |
1719 |
Review of Economics and Institutions |
Jgate |
1720 |
Review of Finance and Banking |
Jgate |
1721 |
Review of Intellectual Property Law |
Jgate |
1722 |
Review of Law and Social Change |
Jgate |
1723 |
Review of Research and Social Intervention |
Jgate |
1724 |
Revija Za Socijalnu Politiku - Journal of Social Policy |
Jgate |
1725 |
Revija za sociologiju |
Jgate |
1726 |
Revista ACB |
Jgate |
1727 |
Revista Argentina de Antropología Biologica |
Jgate |
1728 |
Revista Brasileira de Ciencias Sociais |
Jgate |
1729 |
Revista Brasileira de Economia |
Jgate |
1730 |
Revista Brasileira de Historia |
Jgate |
1731 |
Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional |
Jgate |
1732 |
Revista Contabilidade e Finanças |
Jgate |
1733 |
Revista de Administração Contemporânea |
Jgate |
1734 |
Revista de Antropologia |
Jgate |
1735 |
Revista de Ciencia Politica |
Jgate |
1736 |
Revista de Ciencias Sociales |
Jgate |
1737 |
Revista de Contabilidad : Spanish Accounting Review |
Jgate |
1738 |
Revista de Derecho |
Jgate |
1739 |
Revista de Derecho de la Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso |
Jgate |
1740 |
Revista de Economia |
Jgate |
1741 |
Revista de Economia Contemporânea |
Jgate |
1742 |
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural |
Jgate |
1743 |
Revista de Economia Política |
Jgate |
1744 |
Revista de Estudios Cooperativos |
Jgate |
1745 |
Revista de Estudios Histórico-Jurídicos |
Jgate |
1746 |
Revista de la Facultad de Agronom ¡a |
Jgate |
1747 |
Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones |
Jgate |
1748 |
Revista de Sociologia e Politica |
Jgate |
1749 |
Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação |
Jgate |
1750 |
Revista EIA |
Jgate |
1751 |
Revista Emancipação |
Jgate |
1752 |
Revista Española de Documentación Científica |
Jgate |
1753 |
Revista Estudos Feministas |
Jgate |
1754 |
Revista Geografica Academica |
Jgate |
1755 |
Revista Ibero-Americana de Estratégia |
Jgate |
1756 |
Revista Internacional Interdisciplinar INTERthesis |
Jgate |
1757 |
Revista Katálysis |
Jgate |
1758 |
Revista Latina de Comunicacion |
Jgate |
1759 |
Revista Mexicana de Sociología |
Jgate |
1760 |
Revista Sociedade & Natureza |
Jgate |
1761 |
Revista Universo Contábil |
Jgate |
1762 |
RF Design |
Jgate |
1763 |
Richmond Journal of Global Law and Business |
Jgate |
1764 |
Richmond Journal of Law & Technology |
Jgate |
1765 |
Rocky Mountain Communication Review |
Jgate |
1766 |
Roma Rights Quarterly |
Jgate |
1767 |
Roman Legal Tradition |
Jgate |
1768 |
Romanian Economic Journal |
Jgate |
1769 |
Romanian Journal of European Affairs |
Jgate |
1770 |
Romanian Review of European Governance Studies |
Jgate |
1771 |
Romanian Review of Regional Studies |
Jgate |
1772 |
Romanian Review on Political Geography |
Jgate |
1773 |
Rough Notes Magazine |
Jgate |
1774 |
Russia in Global Affairs |
Jgate |
1775 |
Russian Digital Libraries Journal |
Jgate |
1776 |
Russian Economy: Trends and Perspectives |
Jgate |
1777 |
Rutgers Journal of Law & Public Policy |
Jgate |
1778 |
Rutgers Journal of Law & Religion |
Jgate |
1779 |
Rutgers Law Review |
Jgate |
1780 |
RV Trade Digest |
Jgate |
1781 |
Ryerson Review of Journalism |
Jgate |
1782 |
SA Crime Quarterly |
Jgate |
1783 |
Sacha Journal of Policy and Strategic Studies |
Jgate |
1784 |
SAGE Open |
Jgate |
1785 |
Sao Paulo em Perspectiva |
Jgate |
1786 |
Scan |
Jgate |
1787 |
Scandinavian Public Library Quarterly |
Jgate |
1788 |
Scholar & Feminist Online |
Jgate |
1789 |
School Libraries in Canada |
Jgate |
1790 |
School Library Media Research |
Jgate |
1791 |
School of Doctoral Studies Journal |
Jgate |
1792 |
ScieCom Info |
Jgate |
1793 |
Scientia Iuris |
Jgate |
1794 |
Scientia Magna |
Jgate |
1795 |
Scientific Bulletin:Economic Sciences |
Jgate |
1796 |
Sci-Tech News |
Jgate |
1797 |
Scottish Rite Journal |
Jgate |
1798 |
Scout Report |
Jgate |
1799 |
Script-ed |
Jgate |
1800 |
Sea Grant Law and Policy Journal |
Jgate |
1801 |
Second Nature: International Journal of Creative Media |
Jgate |
1802 |
Second Opinion |
Jgate |
1803 |
Security |
Jgate |
1804 |
Security Dealer & Integrator |
Jgate |
1805 |
Security Research Review |
Jgate |
1806 |
Security Technology Executive |
Jgate |
1807 |
Seed World |
Jgate |
1808 |
Senior Citizens Magazine |
Jgate |
1809 |
Serbian Journal of Management |
Jgate |
1810 |
SERIEs: Journal of the Spanish Economic Association |
Jgate |
1811 |
Seton Hall Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations |
Jgate |
1812 |
Settler Colonial Studies |
Jgate |
1813 |
Sexual Offender Treatment |
Jgate |
1814 |
Shelterforce |
Jgate |
1815 |
Shidler Journal of Law, Commerce & Technology |
Jgate |
1816 |
Singapore Journal of Library & Information Management |
Jgate |
1817 |
Site Selection |
Jgate |
1818 |
Situations:Project of the Radical Imagination |
Jgate |
1819 |
Slavic Studies |
Jgate |
1820 |
Small Times Magazine |
Jgate |
1821 |
Small Town Texas Mason E-magazine |
Jgate |
1822 |
Smithsonian |
Jgate |
1823 |
SMU Science and Technology Law Review |
Jgate |
1824 |
Social Europe: Journal of the European Left |
Jgate |
1825 |
Social Geography |
Jgate |
1826 |
Social Justice in Context |
Jgate |
1827 |
Social Justice Review |
Jgate |
1828 |
Social Policy Journal Of New Zealand |
Jgate |
1829 |
Social Policy Report |
Jgate |
1830 |
Social Psychology |
Jgate |
1831 |
Social Research Update |
Jgate |
1832 |
Social Science Diliman |
Jgate |
1833 |
Social Sciences |
Jgate |
1834 |
Social Sciences Information Review |
Jgate |
1835 |
Social Studies Research and Practice |
Jgate |
1836 |
Social Studies Review |
Jgate |
1837 |
Social Work & Society |
Jgate |
1838 |
Socialist Studies:The Journal of the Society for Socialist Studies |
Jgate |
1839 |
Sociation Today |
Jgate |
1840 |
Sociedade e Estado |
Jgate |
1841 |
Socio-Legal Review |
Jgate |
1842 |
Sociologias |
Jgate |
1843 |
Sociological Viewpoints |
Jgate |
1844 |
Sociologija |
Jgate |
1845 |
Sociologija : Mintis ir Veiksmas |
Jgate |
1846 |
Sociology Mind |
Jgate |
1847 |
Sociology of Sport Online |
Jgate |
1848 |
Solve |
Jgate |
1849 |
Sound & Vision |
Jgate |
1850 |
South African Foreign Policy Monitor |
Jgate |
1851 |
South African Journal of Animal Science |
Jgate |
1852 |
South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences |
Jgate |
1853 |
South African Journal of Education |
Jgate |
1854 |
South African Journal of Human Resource Management |
Jgate |
1855 |
South African Journal of Information Management |
Jgate |
1856 |
South African Journal of Information Management |
Jgate |
1857 |
South Asia Defence & Strategic Review |
Jgate |
1858 |
South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal |
Jgate |
1859 |
South East European Journal of Economics and Business |
Jgate |
1860 |
Southeast Asian Studies |
Jgate |
1861 |
Southeast European Politics |
Jgate |
1862 |
South-Eastern Europe Journal of Economics |
Jgate |
1863 |
Southern African Business Review |
Jgate |
1864 |
Southern African Development Community Barometer |
Jgate |
1865 |
Southern Business Review |
Jgate |
1866 |
Southern Illinois University Law Journal |
Jgate |
1867 |
Southern Law Journal |
Jgate |
1868 |
Southern Rural Sociology |
Jgate |
1869 |
Southwest Business and Economics Journal |
Jgate |
1870 |
Southwest Farm Press |
Jgate |
1871 |
Southwest Journal of Criminal Justice |
Jgate |
1872 |
Spaces for Difference: An Interdisciplinary Journal |
Jgate |
1873 |
Sprouts: Working Papers on Information Environments, Systems and |
Jgate |
1874 |
Sri Lanka Journal of Psychiatry |
Jgate |
1875 |
Sri Lankan Journal of Librarianship & Information Management |
Jgate |
1876 |
SS International Journal of Business & Management Research |
Jgate |
1877 |
SS International Journal of Economics and Management |
Jgate |
1878 |
SSI Magazine |
Jgate |
1879 |
St. John's Law Review |
Jgate |
1880 |
St. Mary's Law Journal |
Jgate |
1881 |
Staff Studies |
Jgate |
1882 |
Stanford Journal of International Relations |
Jgate |
1883 |
Stanford Law Review |
Jgate |
1884 |
Stanford Technology Law Review |
Jgate |
1885 |
Stanovnistvo |
Jgate |
1886 |
Statistics, Politics, and Policy |
Jgate |
1887 |
Stigma Research and Action |
Jgate |
1888 |
trategic Assessment |
Jgate |
1889 |
Strategic Management Review |
Jgate |
1890 |
Strategic Marketing |
Jgate |
1891 |
Strategies of Critique |
Jgate |
1892 |
Stream: Culture/Politics/Technology |
Jgate |
1893 |
Structure and Dynamics |
Jgate |
1894 |
Studia Commercialia Bratislavensia |
Jgate |
1895 |
Studies in Business and Economics |
Jgate |
1896 |
Studies in Learning, Evaluation, Innovation and Development |
Jgate |
1897 |
Studies in Media & Information Literacy Education |
Jgate |
1898 |
Studies in Political Economy |
Jgate |
1899 |
Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal |
Jgate |
1900 |
Studies in Social and Political Thought |
Jgate |
1901 |
Studies in Social Justice |
Jgate |
1902 |
Studies in Sociology of Science |
Jgate |
1903 |
Studies of Transition States and Societies |
Jgate |
1904 |
Studies of Tribes and Tribals |
Jgate |
1905 |
Studies on Home and Community Science |
Jgate |
1906 |
Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation |
Jgate |
1907 |
Suicidology Online |
Jgate |
1908 |
Suma Psicologica |
Jgate |
1909 |
Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies |
Jgate |
1910 |
Supply & Demand Chain Executive |
Jgate |
1911 |
Supply House Times |
Jgate |
1912 |
Supreme Court Economic Review |
Jgate |
1913 |
Sur - International Journal on Human Rights |
Jgate |
1914 |
Surveillance & Society |
Jgate |
1915 |
Survey of Current Business |
Jgate |
1916 |
Surveys and Perspectives Integrating Environment and Society |
Jgate |
1917 |
Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy |
Jgate |
1918 |
Suvremene teme : Contemporary Issues |
Jgate |
1919 |
Sveriges Riksbank Economic Review |
Jgate |
1920 |
Swahili Forum |
Jgate |
1921 |
Sydney Law Review |
Jgate |
1922 |
Taiwan Journal of Democracy |
Jgate |
1923 |
Tampa Bay Business Journal |
Jgate |
1924 |
TAPROBANICA: The Journal of Asian Biodiversity |
Jgate |
1925 |
Tax Executive |
Jgate |
1926 |
Technological and Economic Development of Economy |
Jgate |
1927 |
Technology and Investment |
Jgate |
1928 |
Technology Today |
Jgate |
1929 |
Tehelka |
Jgate |
1930 |
Telecom Asia |
Jgate |
1931 |
Temple Journal of Science, Technology & Environmental Law |
Jgate |
1932 |
Tempo Social |
Jgate |
1933 |
Tennessee Bar Journal |
Jgate |
1934 |
Teradata Magazine Online |
Jgate |
1935 |
Terengganu International Finance & Economics Journal |
Jgate |
1936 |
Texas Bar Journal |
Jgate |
1937 |
Texas Library Journal |
Jgate |
1938 |
Theological Librarianship |
Jgate |
1939 |
Theoretical and Applied Economics |
Jgate |
1940 |
Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management |
Jgate |
1941 |
Theoretical Economics |
Jgate |
1942 |
Theoretical Economics Letters |
Jgate |
1943 |
Theory and Science |
Jgate |
1944 |
Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology |
Jgate |
1945 |
Third Branch |
Jgate |
1946 |
Thirdspace: A Journal of Feminist Theory & Culture |
Jgate |
1947 |
This Magazine |
Jgate |
1948 |
This Week in Consumer Electronics |
Jgate |
1949 |
Thomas Jefferson Law Review |
Jgate |
1950 |
Thought and Practice: A Journal of the Philosophical Association of Kenya |
Jgate |
1951 |
TMC Academic Journal |
Jgate |
1952 |
TOG : Revista de Terapia Ocupacional de la APGTO |
Jgate |
1953 |
Topics in Middle Eastern and North African Economies |
Jgate |
1954 |
Tourism Planning & Development |
Jgate |
1955 |
Tourismos : an International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism |
Jgate |
1956 |
Trade, Law and Development |
Jgate |
1957 |
TRAMES: A Journal of the Humanities & Social Sciences |
Jgate |
1958 |
Transactions: The Tennessee Journal of Business Law |
Jgate |
1959 |
Transformations |
Jgate |
1960 |
Transformations: Liberal Arts in the Digital Age |
Jgate |
1961 |
Transition Newsletter |
Jgate |
1962 |
Translational Behavioral Medicine |
Jgate |
1963 |
Translocations: Migration and Social Change |
Jgate |
1964 |
Transnational Broadcasting Studies |
Jgate |
1965 |
Transnational Corporations |
Jgate |
1966 |
Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences |
Jgate |
1967 |
Treasurer |
Jgate |
1968 |
Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice |
Jgate |
1969 |
Tribal Law Journal |
Jgate |
1970 |
TRIZ Journal |
Jgate |
1971 |
Trócaire Development Review |
Jgate |
1972 |
Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies |
Jgate |
1973 |
Turkey Analyst |
Jgate |
1974 |
Turkish Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation |
Jgate |
1975 |
Turkish Librarianship |
Jgate |
1976 |
Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education |
Jgate |
1977 |
Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry |
Jgate |
1978 |
UC Davis Law Review |
Jgate |
1979 |
UCLA Journal of Law and Technology |
Jgate |
1980 |
UCLA Law Review |
Jgate |
1981 |
Ufahamu: a Journal of African Studies |
Jgate |
1982 |
UltiBASE |
Jgate |
1983 |
Unbound: Harvard Journal of the Legal Left |
Jgate |
1984 |
Undergraduate Economic Review |
Jgate |
1985 |
UNESCO Courier |
Jgate |
1986 |
UNITAR e-Journal |
Jgate |
1987 |
United Nations Chronicle |
Jgate |
1988 |
University of Auckland Business Review |
Jgate |
1989 |
University of Chicago Law Review |
Jgate |
1990 |
University of Detroit Mercy Law Review |
Jgate |
1991 |
University of Illinois Law Review |
Jgate |
1992 |
University of La Verne Law Review |
Jgate |
1993 |
University of Ottawa Law and Technology Journal |
Jgate |
1994 |
University of Pennsylvania Law Review |
Jgate |
1995 |
University of Sussex Journal of Contemporary History |
Jgate |
1996 |
University of Toronto Journal of Undergraduate Life Sciences |
Jgate |
1997 |
Urban Library Journal |
Jgate |
1998 |
Urban Studies Research |
Jgate |
1999 |
Urbani Izziv |
Jgate |
2000 |
URISA Journal |
Jgate |
2001 |
US Banker |
Jgate |
2002 |
USI Journal |
Jgate |
2003 |
Utah Bar Journal |
Jgate |
2004 |
Utah Law Review |
Jgate |
2005 |
UTMS Journal of Economics |
Jgate |
2006 |
Utopia y Praxis Latinoamericana |
Jgate |
2007 |
Utrecht Law Review |
Jgate |
2008 |
Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment and Technology Law |
Jgate |
2009 |
Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law |
Jgate |
2010 |
VARBusiness: For the Architects of the Digital Economy |
Jgate |
2011 |
Variance: Advancing the Science of Risk |
Jgate |
2012 |
VBA News Journal |
Jgate |
2013 |
Vermont Law Review |
Jgate |
2014 |
Vestnik |
Jgate |
2015 |
Veterinarni Medicina: Veterinary Medicine |
Jgate |
2016 |
Video Business |
Jgate |
2017 |
Villanova Law Review |
Jgate |
2018 |
Virginia Business |
Jgate |
2019 |
Virginia Journal of International Law |
Jgate |
2020 |
Virginia Journal of Law & Technology |
Jgate |
2021 |
Virginia Journal of Social Policy & the Law |
Jgate |
2022 |
Virginia Law & Business Review |
Jgate |
2023 |
Virginia Lawyer Register |
Jgate |
2024 |
Virginia Libraries |
Jgate |
2025 |
vis-à-vis : Explorations in Anthropology |
Jgate |
2026 |
Visual Culture and Gender |
Jgate |
2027 |
Voice of the Turtle |
Jgate |
2028 |
Voices |
Jgate |
2029 |
Voices |
Jgate |
2030 |
Vulnerable Groups & Inclusion |
Jgate |
2031 |
Wagadu, Journal of Transnational Women's and Gender Studies |
Jgate |
2032 |
Wake Forest Law Review |
Jgate |
2033 |
Wall Street & Technology |
Jgate |
2034 |
War Crimes, Genocide, and Crimes Against Humanity |
Jgate |
2035 |
Ward's Dealer Business |
Jgate |
2036 |
Washburn Law Journal |
Jgate |
2037 |
Washington and Lee Law Review |
Jgate |
2038 |
Washington Free Press |
Jgate |
2039 |
Washington Law Review |
Jgate |
2040 |
Washington Lawyer |
Jgate |
2041 |
Washington Technology |
Jgate |
2042 |
Washington University Journal of Law and Policy |
Jgate |
2043 |
Washington University Law Quarterly |
Jgate |
2044 |
Water Alternatives |
Jgate |
2045 |
Waters |
Jgate |
2046 |
Wearables Business |
Jgate |
2047 |
Web Ecology |
Jgate |
2048 |
Web Journal of Current Legal Issues |
Jgate |
2049 |
Web Journal of Mass Communication Research |
Jgate |
2050 |
West Africa Review |
Jgate |
2051 |
Western Banking Magazine |
Jgate |
2052 |
Western Criminology Review |
Jgate |
2053 |
Western Economic Developments |
Jgate |
2054 |
Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture |
Jgate |
2055 |
William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal |
Jgate |
2056 |
Wired West |
Jgate |
2057 |
Wisconsin Law Review |
Jgate |
2058 |
Women in Judaism |
Jgate |
2059 |
Women in Literacy and Life Assembly |
Jgate |
2060 |
Women's Health and Urban Life |
Jgate |
2061 |
Workers Online |
Jgate |
2062 |
Workplace |
Jgate |
2063 |
World Libraries |
Jgate |
2064 |
World of Work Magazine |
Jgate |
2065 |
World Trade |
Jgate |
2066 |
Xchanges |
Jgate |
2067 |
Yale Economic Review |
Jgate |
2068 |
Yale Human Rights & Development Law Journal |
Jgate |
2069 |
Yale Journal of International Affairs |
Jgate |
2070 |
Yale Journal of Law & Technology |
Jgate |
2071 |
Yale Law Journal |
Jgate |
2072 |
Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research |
Jgate |
2073 |
Zbornik Instituta za Pedagoška Istraživanja |
Jgate |
2074 |
Zenith International Journal of Business Economics and Management |
Jgate |
2075 |
AABSS Journal |
Jgate |
2076 |
Accounting & Taxation |
Jgate |
2077 |
Analecta Hermeneutica |
Jgate |
2078 |
Anales de Documentacion |
Jgate |
2079 |
Análise Social |
Jgate |
2080 |
Ancient Asia ;Journal of the Society of South Asian Archaeology |
Jgate |
2081 |
Anistoriton |
Jgate |
2082 |
International Journals of Marketing and Technology |
Jgate |
2083 |
International Law in Brief |
Jgate |
2084 |
International Law Update |
Jgate |
2085 |
International Management Review |
Jgate |
2086 |
International NGO Journal |
Jgate |
2087 |
International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health |
Jgate |
2088 |
International Politics and Society |
Jgate |
2089 |
International Productivity Monitor |
Jgate |
2090 |
International Public Management Review |
Jgate |
2091 |
International Public Policy Review |
Jgate |
2092 |
International Real Estate Review |
Jgate |
2093 |
International Research Journal of Applied Finance |
Jgate |
2094 |
International Research Journal of Finance and Economics |
Jgate |
2095 |
International Research: Journal of Library and Information Science |
Jgate |
2096 |
International Review of Business Research Papers |
Jgate |
2097 |
International Review of Economics Education |
Jgate |
2098 |
International Review of Information Ethics |
Jgate |
2099 |
International Review of Research in Open & Distance Learning |
Jgate |
2100 |
International Review of Social Sciences and Humanities |
Jgate |
2101 |
International Socialism |
Jgate |
2102 |
Internet Journal of Biological Anthropology |
Jgate |
2103 |
Internet Journal of World Health and Societal Politics |
Jgate |
2104 |
Interpersona |
Jgate |
2105 |
Intersections |
Jgate |
2106 |
Intheblack |
Jgate |
2107 |
Investment Advisor |
Jgate |
2108 |
Investment Analysts Journal |
Jgate |
2109 |
i-Perception |
Jgate |
2110 |
IPRI Journal |
Jgate |
2111 |
IPS Journal: Policy Quarterly |
Jgate |
2112 |
Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology |
Jgate |
2113 |
Iranian Rehabilitation Journal |
Jgate |
2114 |
Ìrìnkèrindò |
Jgate |
2115 |
Irish America |
Jgate |
2116 |
Irish Migration Studies in Latin America |
Jgate |
2117 |
Issues In Child Abuse Accusations |
Jgate |
2118 |
Issues in Educational Research |
Jgate |
2119 |
Issues in Ethics |
Jgate |
2120 |
Issues in Innovation |
Jgate |